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Messages - Deathwind

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 37
Off Topic / Re: Now playing... (games)
« on: March 15, 2012, 23:44 »
Just finished FF1 (nes) with only a white wizard, what now...

Requests For Features / Re: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
« on: March 15, 2012, 22:04 »
I'm thinking more like 15

you took ammo over armor and med kits, fair enough but there is risk involved. Still it's a personal choice, I ditch the thing but that doesn't mean you are wrong, just different.

Century Lounge / Re: [U|Ao100|99%|YaVP] Nuclear Pwnage
« on: March 14, 2012, 23:14 »
what were the cells for anyway?

Shotguns do have their uses but what would you leave behind for them?

1.  The problem here is they take far too long to reload if you don't have the box, this means you need to save full boxes for this.  Are you really going to spend 2-3 inventory spaces (the gun and 1 or 2 boxs) on a level that can easily be cleared with well planned shots and maybe a phase?

2.  Radar shooting is nice but somethings gotta go, what would you drop instead?

3.  Aim straight for the elemental through the souls and keep firing, it'll die in a couple volleys

4.  Ammo efficiency? shells are rare in hell, unless you bring alot of them you will run out quick. "And I like to use the BFG liberally" that's a big part of your ammo problem, you are spending 40 plasma volleys worth of ammo on ONE shot that you will still need to mop up after anyway.

5.  take cover out of the room and kill the monsters as they come to you (blind shooting for attention if need be), the viles will advance or the monsters will stop coming and you can go after the vile. The extra 150 cells you have from ditching the shotgun and 2 stacks of shells can buy you alot of patience. Also see #3 replacing elemental with vile.

81 / Re: [H|76%|YAVP] Got it!
« on: March 14, 2012, 19:27 »
nanofiber is a bit heavy for melee..

82 / Re: [H|100%|YAVP] EEEE BOI
« on: March 14, 2012, 19:23 »
meh, scummed...

Requests For Features / Re: More varied maps
« on: March 14, 2012, 19:15 »
Why can't we change to a scrolling screen? I understand it would be alot of work but it would enable you to add quite a bit to the game, secret rooms anyone?

This issue has been around since they added bridges...

Bug Reports / Re: [ Windows] Multiple AoD bugs
« on: March 13, 2012, 16:46 »
Exp is already disabled for all spawned and revived monsters.

I always thought they were silent with the intention of making them harder.

Discussion / Re: Where do you guys play DoomRL?
« on: March 12, 2012, 10:02 »
I was a security guard, as such I never had a computer at work to play it on.

Discussion / Re: Let's take on the Mortuary!
« on: March 12, 2012, 09:55 »
I've always ended up with the nuclear BFG with a homing phase.

Q-Y has never produced a mortem, dieing due to your actions produced the stupid suicide message.

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