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Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 24, 2014, 12:17 »
Would it be possible to examine the figurehead with an arcana check to find out things about its magical workings? Or would that require some ritual?

It seems that the ship would perhaps fly away if someone with the scepter were to board it. I would like to find out where it would fly.

Modifying the magical construct to obey me would probably be impossible without some complicated ritual though.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 22, 2014, 12:17 »
You hover your mouse cursor over the text
╬╢╣╔╣ ╡╩ ╦╢╣ ╬╜╔║╣┼└
and you should get a text message if you wait for a second.

When I first figured it out, I was going to post about it in the OOC thread. Shouldn't have changed my mind about doing so apparently. :P

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 22, 2014, 01:16 »
Berak, looking contemplatively at the ship, notices Gosok's runes and turns to him.

- The warden fled to safety.

Looking back at the ship.

- We probably shouldn't try approaching the ship without the ice scepter.

Turning back to the others.

- I think the figurehead is controlling the ship. It does not seem very smart though.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 21, 2014, 03:54 »
Berak attacks the remaining skeleton and retreats his consciousness fragment even further away from the ship.

Mind Thrust at Q18
   Attack: 1d20+9=16 (vs Will)
   Damage: 1d10+9=19 (psychic)
Move to M22
Move Shaped Consciousness to P25

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 19, 2014, 08:35 »
Sorry for all the trouble I'm causing :P

I think I'm going to rule it saved you from the hit.

I'll edit my post then under that assumption. That way you don't have to worry about that Shaped Consciousness question (for now).

As an alternative to writing down attack rolls against me, you could use the following (fair) solution.
Assumption 1: The enemy attack roll takes the form 1d20+A, where A is an integer.
Assumption 2: Berak's defence against that attack before using Intellect Fortress is D.
Assumption 3: The enemy attack hits.
Assumption 4: The enemy is capable of rolling D+4.

Given these assumptions we know that the enemy rolled somewhere between D and 20+A.
What we are interested in is whether the enemy rolled between D and D+3 or between D+4 and 20+A.

A fair solution to this would be to generate a random integer X between D and 20+A and checking whether X<D+4 or X>=D+4.

Or equivalently, generating a random integer Y between 0 and 20+A-D and checking whether Y<4 or Y>=4.

Could possibly be easier than writing down numbers.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 19, 2014, 05:37 »
After the figurehead had attacked his consciousness fragment, Berak was taking another quick look at the ship, contemplating what the figurehead had said and the appearance of the ship and the figurehead, wandering whether it reminded him of something he knew.
Knowledge check
Just as he was preparing to retreat the shard of his consciousness away from the ship, he was assaulted by the zombie he had attacked just before. That's what you get when you don't pay enough attention to the battle.
Berak uses Intellect Fortress (Immediate Interrupt), Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: +4 bonus to AC until EoNT

Berak manages to narrowly deflect the zombie's attack with his psionic powers. Retreating from the zombie, he breaks apart into a swarm of shards and re-forms again at the other side of the tent. He pulls the shard of his consciousness back from the boat and uses it to attack the zombie with a psychic attack, trying to finish it off.
Shard Swarm (move action, teleportation) to O19
   Effect: Zombie at P22 grants Berak combat advantage until EoNT
Move Shaped Consciousness to S19
Mind Thrust with Augment 1 at P22 (through the Shaped Consciousness)
   Attack: 1d20+8=25 (vs Will)
   Damage: 1d10+9=13 (psychic damage)
   On hit: -4 to Will Defence until EoNT

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 17, 2014, 14:53 »
To answer this one, as I promised: let me start by pointing out that I'm very unfamiliar with the way combat is handled in D&D. It's probably very good at what it does, but the connection to the RPG element is totally lost in my experience. It becomes a game of numbers instead of a game of words.
Since I come from a word-heavy background, I'm trying to adjust to this mindset, but likewise I don't want to let go of my heritage. As such, although your ideas are really good, I have trouble accepting them for one simple reason: Isirius has no idea you're standing behind him - unless you were to warn him of this, of course. Eventually I went ahead and took your advice into account anyway, but it just feels unnatural to me.

Like I said, partly I'll have to get over this and adjust, partly I want to cling to this because I take pride in it: it's what makes the stories work. Regardless, I've learned a lot about how the system works in just three turns, and I intend to put that knowledge to good use. I'll get the hang of this game yet....

You can play however you feel comfortable playing. I, for example, can't really put myself in the shoes of my character, I'm mostly just doing whatever I feel like doing. That is to say, I'm mostly bending the character to my will rather than bending myself to fit the character. It's probably just because I'm new to roleplaying, but I do think that it fits the arcadey spirit of DnD.

For example, what you said about Isirius not being aware of Berek being behind him. In this arcadey setting, it just makes sense that he would be aware and it could be explained by instincts or simply just looking behind. At least that is how I feel about it.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 17, 2014, 13:39 »
Berak, whose attention had been torn away from the action by the ship's figurehead and was probing it with a shard of his consciousness, trying to figure out whether it was sentient or was simply someone's mouthpiece, turned his attention quickly back to the battle when he noticed Isirius retreating from his confrontation with the zombie. Berak, wanting to get this battle over with, so that he could study the figurehead some more, attacked the zombie with a psychic assault as intense as he could muster.

Turning his attention back to the ship for a moment, he experimentally reached out to the figurehead using his telepathy, trying to say "Cease this assault and we will find you the ice scepter.".

Minor action: Conjure Shaped Consciousness at S15
Mind Thrust with Augment 2 at Q22:
   Berak uses Guidance of the Past to roll twice for attack and choose either result:
      2#1d20+8=20,28               Berak chooses the second result (critical hit)
   Damage: 1d8+29=30 (psychic damage)
   On hit: -4 to all defences until EoNT
Move to O22
Move Shaped Consciousness to S13

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 17, 2014, 10:44 »
Ice is difficult terrain, but the square Q21 is only partially covered with ice. Since players don't take up a whole square, it's perhaps possible that a character can stand on the non-slippery part, thereby not counting Q21 as difficult terrain.

I'm asking, since if Isirius does delay his turn and Q21 is not difficult terrain, I could move to Q23 and Isirius could shift to Q21 and gain flanking.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:56 »
The cleric seems fine now so I was planning on coming to your aid on my next turn anyways. Whatever you do on your next turn, I suggest you shift one square to the right. Then, if both enemies are still standing after your turn, I can hit both of them with an area attack without hitting you.

Alternatively you could delay your turn until after mine and I could hit the stronger zombie with a debuff that gives -4 to all defences. That should give you a much better chance to hit. You could contact me telepathically and tell me to do so. (you are somewhat familiar with my powers)

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 16, 2014, 12:58 »
Since Gosok can see Isirius through the tent, I'm assuming that Berak can also see the ship and the ship's figurehead. Can I make some knowledge checks about the ship and the figurehead out of my turn?

For example
-- Is the figurehead sentient or is it controlled remotely?
-- Is the effect divine or arcane?
-- What would happen if we removed the figurehead. Would the ship lose it's flying ability? Would the figurehead still remain animate?
-- Would I be able to take control of the ship and make it fly?
-- What do I know about flying ships?
-- What do I know about the Winter King?

About how many of those knowledge checks can I make at once and can I actually make them when it's not my turn or do I have to spend actions on my turn to make these checks?

Note: That ship is Awesome! Hopefully.

Edit: Sorry, got a bit excited there.

Edit2: On that note, is it possible to communicate with others when it's not your turn?

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 16, 2014, 03:00 »
Seeing the cleric in trouble, Berak unleashes another psionic attack aimed at the undead near the deva.

Dishearten at J17:
   Attack 1d20+9: I16 -> 24, I18 -> 23, K17 -> 12
   Damage: 1d6+9=11
   On hit: -2 to attack rolls until the end of Berak's next turn

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: February 16, 2014, 00:42 »
Erm... could you explain that one?

Some monsters are minions, which means that they die very easily (I understand that they were introduced to give players the satisfaction of mowing down lots of enemies). (Disclaimer: learned it by listening to DnD podcasts).

I believe that S.K. Ren meant that since Turn Undead can hit lots of monsters at once, it can check which ones die easily, therefore checking which ones are minions.

For example, see my last attack. The two creatures that died were probably minions and the skeleton was not.

On that note, is it usually considered better to be rid of minions first before tackling the non-minions?

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 15, 2014, 13:33 »
Berak, still deeply disturbed by this unexpected attack, wields his crystal orb and sends out his frustration as a of torrent negative thoughts towards a group of enemies. Seeing Isirius move behind a tent, Berak changes his position to be better able to support everybody.
Wield the Crystal Orb of Unfailing Concentration
Dishearten at L15 - Attack: 3#1d20+9 25 29 28 vs Will (L15, K14 - CRITICAL HIT, M15), Psychic damage: 1d6+9 10 for L15 and M15, Psychic damage (critical hit): 1d8+15 20 for K14
Move to M25

Play-By-Forum / Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - IC
« on: February 14, 2014, 13:38 »
Berak answers:

- Perhaps you are right.

and communicates Isirius's opinion to the others.

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