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Messages - ih8regin

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 25
Off Topic / Re: The NEW Horrible Ideas Thread
« on: March 06, 2013, 22:39 »
I don't think so, losing a Hellrunner past-bottom and losing WK2 before assembling at least an AA/A boots will break his and many people's strategy. Also, if the losses past level 1 will be random, losing a HR/Bad will net you a dead doomguy pretty quick, losing Fin/EE will delay the inevitable, losing Rel - uh oh, etc etc. Losing Bru/Ber, however, won't impact a ranged-only character. If the losses won't be random, it'll come to carefully using losses points to lose only those traits you can afford. Say, if you're out of pistols, you're free to drop all 5 levels of SoG in sequence and not suffer in the slightest. The former option sounds more challenging, but you will be subject to getting screwed by an unlucky stat loss, say you're a scout, you lose Int, lowering your sight range - welcome constant radarshooting, bam, you've lost HR, you move, bam there was an archvile or a mancubus, you suffer double blast, you're dead. Yes it's roguelikes, but it sounds like playing against an already BORED Xom.

Discussion / Re: Best Melee fighter in Doom RL
« on: February 28, 2013, 23:05 »
I vote for hardy, namely Vampyre, while Scout+HR+Brute+Fin+Ripper+Zerk is extremely fast, Vampyre is just that, you go find a pain elemental, drop your armor, split lost souls in a corridor and have a lot of fun :)

"You dualreload your guns! You die..."
Yep, had a moment of nostalgia. Perhaps, reading this, will eventually return to playing DoomRL.

Another shooting position, well.
This is the very reason you succeed. You might not be aware that what game says is circle is in fact not, it's longer in cardinal directions than in 45-degrees directions. So, if you knockback a BB three tiles at 45 degrees, it flies out of explosion range and does not get hit. But if you do the same with 22-degrees angle or 0 (between firing line and the closest cardinal direction), it'll not leave the explosion range and will get hurt.

80 / Re: [M|95%|YAVP] Skin of my teeth! (first win!)
« on: November 06, 2012, 09:17 »
"At this particular moment in time, I don't believe I have a healthier or more deeply-felt respect for any object in the universe than this here Jackhammer..."

N! Ao100 is the only place to get Experience Cross, and it's good thing you've got it ;) Great job!

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: August 09, 2012, 04:18 »
after earning a pitiful death via dual reload, empasizing this :)

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|AoP|100%|YaUW] True Purity, Damageless
« on: July 10, 2012, 06:47 »
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Requests For Features / Re: The Horrible Ideas Thread
« on: July 06, 2012, 03:33 »
120s for just a rest is a plenty as is IMO. Say you're on AoRA :)

Indescribable object - blade or not? Also, wielded in active or prepared hand? Also, one of the names for it could be "katar", or "pilum"

85 / Re: [M|AoSH|YAAM] Mad shotgunner with MAD
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:36 »
how did you do the Wall? Phases or something else?

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom: The Text Adventure
« on: June 28, 2012, 01:16 »

Discussion / Re: Your actions
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:10 »
what? You don't get slower on N! from some version? Surprise surprise.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom: The Text Adventure
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:07 »
SAY "Ouch, wasted a good thing to a pile of dust! I was going to watch pron and kick ass, and now I'm out of pron!"

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom: The Text Adventure
« on: June 26, 2012, 00:24 »

Man, this thing screams for Rule 34 :)

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom: The Text Adventure
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:30 »
Isn't it time to get off here? Or at least get back to that guy?

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