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Messages - Vestin

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Nightmare! / Re: [N!|AoMC|81%|YAVP] Blademaster
« on: July 13, 2009, 07:00 »
In Angel of Max Carnage all dice rolls assume max result possible.

All attacks have maximum accuracy (98% hit chance).
All damage rolls use maximum value possible. A rocket 6d6 guarantees a 36 damage direct hit.

You can kill everything much easier but so can monsters (Visiting an Arachnotron cave might get you killed that easily).
Ummm... Aren't we supposed to keep things like that secret ?
AFAIK - posting beta mortems was supposed to be a way to keep people curious, without answering any questions they might have... You know - to encourage them to become subscribers...

I definitely agree that the game would benefit from trait streamlining. You could have specialist traits for each weapon "type"- pistols, shotguns, melee, and rapid-fire, and two generalist traits for survivability and speed.

From there, you could have a trait tree of sorts-secondary traits allowing you to develop your character more specifically, but with more varied requirements than the current system. Like a secondary trait which requires a level in both the toughness and speed traits which doubles the duration you can run for, for example. If you wanted to get even more complex, you could then institute tertiary traits, which can require primary, secondary, or both.
I think traits should neither be too specialized nor too broadly beneficial. IMO - every trait should give you bonuses to two different types of weapons, so that you would want them to overlap in order to get proficient with using a particular kind.
To put it simpler: trait X gives bonuses to weapons A and B, while trait Y is suited for B and C and trait Z helps using C and D. Therefore - if you wish to focus on B, you take either X or Y first (which gives you the option to change your mind down the road and change focus to A or C respectfuly) and then the other one (Y or X). This gives you 2 traits worth of weapon B upgrades, while also 1 level upgrades for A and C...

My fun is blasting everything with a double shotgun. Whizkid is not blasting everything with a double shotgun. Therefore whizkid is not fun. D:
The ocean is blue. The sky is not the ocean. Therefore - the sky is not blue.

Your logic is flawed as hell xP.

Bug Reports / Re: Scores Missing
« on: June 15, 2009, 13:08 »
If I would find a way to intercept the closure in FreePascal before kill that'd be real nice :/
AFAIK - you can't. It's above the program level. The best you can do is make the game save to disk EVERY TIME the highscores are shown... which would be anoying and unhealthy for the hard drive in the long run.

Still, a warning before I lost all that info would have been nice.
Nah. Like I said - even if it IS possible to implement - it would take some serious rewrite of the whole game.
We could just put the info somewhere where the player would see it... Like the "You are running DoomRL for the first time" screen, the screen after that, the menu... or even the manual.

Bug Reports / Re: Scores Missing
« on: June 15, 2009, 08:00 »
Would it be to difficult to put a "Are you sure you want to exit? Your highscores will not be saved this way. Please choose "Quit" from the main menu." message when you click the close button???
That would be pretty pointless, as most people click "yes" on such boxes automatically ;).
Also - I was pretty certain that Windows used to pop a warning of its own when you were trying to close an app which was "still running"...

Or perhaps fixing it so it saves even when 'killing' the window? I'm playing Hopefully it'll get fixed by 0.9.9 or 1.0.0.
The only thing to "fix" here are bad habits. You DON'T kill console applications by hitting the "X" - you make them close themselves.

You can hide the mouse while playing... or play fullscreen... or simply ponder your loss every time you do such a thing. Either way - you'll learn.
Don't get me wrong - I see a difference between bad UI and bad habits. Then again - it's pointless to write the info to the hard drive ALL THE TIME. It's slow and uses up the drive's durability. That's why the data is (or at least - should be) read once, then resides only in memory and is saved when you don't want to play anymore - when you QUIT. Clicking the "X" is outside of the program itself - it's almost like you'd kill it by the task manager - data loss guaranteed. Do you save a Word document before hitting the "X" ? I don't if there even IS an autosave - it's common sense to SAVE before you leave.

Requests For Features / Re: Simulation Terminals
« on: June 12, 2009, 18:32 »
That's gross.  Kornel, please don't do this.  Lever suck hard as it is with floor damage so out of control - don't throw in a bunch of goofy Diablo shrines.
Don't use "goofy" and "Diablo" in the same sentence.
Besides - the point is to add variation. If you have better ideas on how to make levers awesome - I'm all ears.

Requests For Features / Re: Simulation Terminals
« on: June 12, 2009, 13:53 »
I would prefer something like 'Chant of Scholars' levers - when u pull a lever you will get 150% more XP from killing monsters for some peroid of time.. maybe it could be something like 'You pull a lever.. but wait what's this? You see a picture of naked cyberdemon dancing on a pole! You fell so good that you feel like you could pwn @LL HELL oh yeah Phobos Experienced!'.. or a lever that adds +1 dmg for some time? 'you feel that your damage is increased by 1 point ha ha'
OMG... We could make something akin to shrines from Diablo... Temporary_armour_bonus levers, temporary_to_hit_bonus levers, temporary_damage_bonus levers... Damn - I'll elaborate on that once I have the time, but this is... inspiring.

Requests For Features / Re: Simulation Terminals
« on: June 12, 2009, 11:01 »
"You pull the lever. You suddenly feel more skilled cause you feel hard for managing to pull it!"
Laugh all you want but it still beats "You played a video game. Here - have samo ammo ^^ !" and "You play a game. Suddenly - you know how to kill demons better !" ;P.

An XP lever could work along the lines of "I know kung fu.", if you get the Matrix reference...
Whatever will be final - it should be fast and rewarding, so as not to slow the pace of the game down.

Requests For Features / Re: Simulation Terminals
« on: June 12, 2009, 06:46 »
How about simply adding an XP lever ?

Requests For Features / Re: Colored Text
« on: June 05, 2009, 19:30 »
But seriously - I think the easiest solution would be to destroy any item that gets into acid/lava.
Think about how fun it will be now to flood the level :>
In all honesty - it's not THAT devious. If you flood it by accident, the LAST thing you want to do is look around and hunt for items.
If you do it on purpose, then you probably picked everything up already anyway...

Requests For Features / Re: Colored Text
« on: June 05, 2009, 18:21 »
Was there a fix in the works for objects concealing acid or do I have yet another compelling argument that floor damage should not be 10%/turn and 24%/turn?
Meh - standing on acid should be an instantkill ;).
As for items on acid - you can always 'l'ook at them...

But seriously - I think the easiest solution would be to destroy any item that gets into acid/lava.

Requests For Features / Re: Head gear!
« on: June 04, 2009, 18:02 »
More than a single charge would mean a single helmet would be worth three or four phase devices / medkits / computer maps / whatever for no inventory footprint.
Or two ;). But - yeah - you're absolutely right. I'd suggest that the helmet have 25%-33% of getting damaged along with the armour as you get hit, so that they would still be a portable bunch of medpacks/phase devices or whatever albeit - a destrutible one, as opposed to things that you have in your backpack.
That still doesn't solve the problem 100%. You COULD make such abilities strictly on unique helmets, but then - what would the REGULAR ones do ?
We could simply lower the amount of regular stuff to force the player into using helmets and keep the balance... But that would be drastic.

I have no other ideas at this point. I really hope you guys figure something nice out.

Requests For Features / Re: Multi-purpose MODS
« on: June 03, 2009, 16:26 »
Concerning the OP, I don't think you should be able to apply magazine mods to rocket launchers - it's just too much, a literal 100% increase in magazine size and a single mod would fix the rocket launcher's main drawback.
I figured that the Special mods should do something... well - special. They would upset the balance we have, sure... That doesn't have to mean it's a bad idea. It would open up a lot of new possibilities for the player. The mods wouldn't be THAT ubiquitous and you'd think twice about what to apply them to. The special mods would be quite rare and the limit on the numer of appliable mods on a single piece of equipment would be strict.

Most of all - if you oppose this, you should also oppose unique items, as they are a lot more powerful than the regular weapons and appear at random. I just want to make sure you have a choice between taking a unique and sticking to that wonderfully modded piece of metal you crafted.

Also - the idea is
1* To have mods for all kinds of equipment we are going to have (yes, including melee weapons and helmets)
2* To have as few overall mod types as possible
3* That the type names are more or less self-explanatory (so you have at least a slight idea of what it's going to improve, without consulting a table)
4* For every type of mod to be somewhat useful on every piece of equipment

Well the idea is quite simple, and the objective is increasing the diversity and availability of advanced weapons.

Instead of getting special weapons, change those drops/spawns for Advanced Weapons with 2 mods of the same kind.
Rapid Pistol -> Advanced Pistol (S2)
Fastload Pistol -> Advanced Pistol (R2)
I second that. This + adding helmets + multiporpose mods has the potential to change the game a LOT (let's hope that it'd be for the better).

To elaborate the system, I suggest two types of premoded stuff:
A) basic (like "pistol (S1)" or "shotgun (R2)")
B) advanced (like "adv pistol (S1)" or "adv shotgun (R2)")

I'll elaborate on that a bit later...

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