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Messages - GenTechJ

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Discussion / NotEye and DoomRL
« on: August 31, 2012, 03:34 »
Thanks to an old (locked) topic by packrat I found this nifty frontend today, and as someone playing on a laptop it kinda helps me when it comes to diagonal movement (I have no numpad). My only problems are I can only use the FPS mode, and I have yet to figure out where I need to go to edit the tiles used to make them ASCII or to rip the sprites from Doom and edit what I need to for the new stuff (basically anything that isn't from Doom/Doom 2). Anyone else use NotEye to run DoomRL and have figured these issues out?

With all the TF2 weapons that I'd love to see in the game and that everyone is making, I'm thinking we should do a community mod for sandbox or the full moddable version upon release of adding all the TF2 stuff that will work within the engine.

Just food for thought. Didn't mean to derail the thread.

I'm not sure this is possible in the current incarnation, but would be something worth trying. I can take a look into it, but it might take a day or two due to other commitments here.

Short answer, I'll look into whether or not it's possible with the current version.

Requests For Features / Re: Grenade Launcher/Bouncing weapons
« on: April 13, 2010, 21:17 »
Second this.  The grenade thing (traveling a fixed distance, rolling, bouncing off walls) should probably get its own treatment since its a pretty basic desire, but there's a level of control that just currently isn't there.

Forgot to mention - we could use a sticky thread for modding feature requests, although I'm not sure that Kornel wants that just yet.

Third the quote
Second the sticky idea

Requests For Features / Re: Grenade Launcher/Bouncing weapons
« on: April 13, 2010, 16:42 »
Bouncing for use with grenades would be indeed nice, but personally I can't imagine how it could work in roguelike.

Oh and, should it somehow come to be - nay on limiting it to one weapon class. If someone wants to - for example - recreate hyperblaster with bouncing shots from Q4 (however silly the idea is), then he should be able to.

Agreed on not limiting it to a weapon class. Some of the Quake games have some weapons that just won't work in the default weapon class system, same with some of the enemies.

Thrown grenades should bounce too, in my opinion, or roll, possibly a combination of the two.

Note these all make for interesting game play once/if multiplay/deathmatch makes it into DoomRL. Or at least something to consider for DoomRL 2

Discussion / Re: Your favorite weapon?
« on: April 13, 2010, 11:08 »
The amount of damage in close quarters
And I've always loved them in every FPS anyways.

Requests For Features / Grenade Launcher/Bouncing weapons
« on: April 12, 2010, 19:25 »
While working on some weapons in sandbox, and after looking around the wiki and asking on the board discovered a proper grenade launcher or grenade like items aren't possile due to lack of bounceable projectiles.

Is this something that can be implemented?

Would anyone else want this?

AliensRL / Re: AliensRL Beta Testers needed!
« on: April 12, 2010, 19:00 »
I could do 1 game a day at the very least. Hopefully I can survive long enough to get quality reports though, never lasted long in the original AliensRL.

Demon Hunter, NIN, Dimmu Borgir, Rammstein, Moonspell, Celldweller

Boltgun (preferably with matching bolter shells...although with the sanbox mode......)
Degrader Gun

Angel of the Coliseum
The Hell Runner

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 26, 2010, 06:58 »
Someday, I'm gonna go through some of this thread, pull out a few and bodge them up in the sandbox. :P

Same, there's some nice uniques in here.

EDIT: Kornel, or anyone who's messed with sandbox mode more than I have, is it possible to have "bouncing" weapons? So I can make grenades and grenade launchers work (semi-)properly?

Discussion / Re: Just a couple of RL ideas
« on: March 21, 2010, 02:24 »
Since the traits and classes can't be changed it would be difficult to do a hexen mod. its possible though if you could just relabel or rename the traits to work around that. it would probably be easier to do smash-t.v. mod.

i basically have no programming experience. i guess the only thing close to it is i used to make short RPGs on a program called RPG Maker (go figure) and did some extremely light programming. so how steep is the learning curve on making a mod?

I feel the learning curve is a bit easy, but then due to modding some RTS games like Kohan 2, Dawn of War, Dawn of War 2, and the like (all of which used lua). But my first experience with lua felt easy enough, everything's pretty clearly labeled and gives you an idea of what does what. However, since you've done light programming in RPG Maker (I'm a fellow user), this shouldn't be too hard.

Like I said, follow the tutorial here and it'll walk you through it. Once you feel confident enough of making your own stuff this section of the wiki gives you all the info you need in order to do more with sandbox mode.

Oh, and when you follow the tutorial, actually do what it says. Learn through doing. ;) Here's a blank template with everything spaced out in the order it should be in (found out while making a level that the MISSILES section needs to come before the WEAPONS section, otherwise DoomRL crashes).

Discussion / Re: Just a couple of RL ideas
« on: March 19, 2010, 21:53 »
Some of these ideas are essentially doable in the modding of DoomRL.

Thus far, traits, classes, and the like are unmoddable. But the enemies, weapons, items, etc are totally doable. Check the sandbox mode in the latest release, and follow the tutorial for the Q2Demo on the wiki and to learn the scripting, plus look at all the other things you can do but aren't totally described. Would be interested in playing your mods if you pull them off.

Discussion / Re: Donation page error
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:54 »
Ah, that makes sense. Call me an idiot :)

Discussion / Donation page error
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:25 »
I noticed something while looking over the Donations page just now, my donation this month has not only disappeared from the list, but from the statistics calculation as well (There should be $90 total before subtraction of the paypal fees, also with the current amounts shown on the page, it should be $65 before paypal fees, not $67.25). An error with the code?

Yeah, I know. Minor error to point out with 9.9.1 released. :p

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