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Messages - Tao_Taoz

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: DoomRL - Released!
« on: May 02, 2007, 19:04 »
"If you're interested in a MacOS version, please give me a sign at the forum."

!@#$%^&* <signs?
 or this --> =]

cuz... i didn't know.

anyway... theres lots of info to be had.

stat tables, combat tactics, technology and plenty of backround infomation.

pictures, stat tables, weapon descriptions and so on.
as far as I know its no longer in print since it was made back in 1991.
so here it is in pdf... along with some other PDFs we don't need and can selectivly choose not to download as well.

I'm currently only seeding the aliens stuff though. have no interest in the rest.

----how to use BitTorrents and stuff---

a pretty useful link explaining how bittorrents work.
and another.

and a link to a good BitTorrent client.

and the torrent download link to the PDF files in question.

i used the download location. then once the page loads, select "Download this torrent!" which is in big blue letters so you can't miss it.
you can ignore the azureous magnet link, since I haven't the slightest clue what its for.

you'll have to figure out the rest... I only know how to use the mac version of the program.

Off Topic / Re: 3D in roguelike
« on: May 02, 2007, 01:33 »
didn't read all of the posts (sry)

but heres Gearhead
its a pretty interesting RL typish game but with 2D graphics..
while Gearhead2 uses openGL.... all 3d but craplike..but thats just my opinion.
I still prefer the 2Dness of 1st gearhead since its more refined then its 3D version but lacks certain features. but idk.


AliensRL / Weapon Sounds and the like...
« on: May 01, 2007, 23:12 »
anyone else find the shotgun SFX to be a bit odd or weak?
I imagine its just a tempory stand-in until they can find something better...

I don't remeber what the sounds were like in AVP2 for pc but maybe someone could send them the sound file(s) or whatever.
May have to convert them to the appropriate formats. yaty-yatyah.

AliensRL / Re: Gameplay & Mechanics
« on: May 01, 2007, 22:35 »
Sadly, I currently don't have the time to write long replies.

About the MP7 and weapon naming in general: We just put names on the guns for show. We could simply call it a "SMG" and be done with it ;)
Also, the Aliens universe isn't as clean and futuristic as, say, Star Trek. One smart gun guy in the movie carried a shotty as backup weapon. Also, we have civilians in the towers and I doubt they'd freely hand out armor piercing ammo (like the 4.6mm ammo used by the MP7) to civilians, so 9mm/12g/.44magnum are perfectly fine imo.


anyway, I'm not trying to make the game easier by having SOME of them with less damage.
you can still make them dish out more damage while at the same time getting slowed down by your injuries.
with their slightly faster speeds and their splashing acid blood damage.
and having them spawn from more random directions down hallways and such. thats what I love about hunters.

randomly having them stalk us or rush us (with periods of peaceness) and ocasionaly overwhelm us with numbers forcing us to to fire and run (which should be a feature at some point). but whatever, moving on...

so rather then decrease the players hp, you should increase the damage aliens do and possibly reduce the amount of medicpacks from 10 to 3 and 7 for medics.

perhaps at some point replace the idea of single use packs with only being able to carry a single pack that starts at a 100% and becomes drained with each use.
picking up new ones would refil yours (i.e. refiing your 46% pack to 100% while draining the one on the ground leaving it at 54%).

With each level of training in medical you'll lose less of a percentage per use while being able to stuff even more supplies at higher levels allowing you to surpass the 100% mark. (idk, like  105%, 110% and so on til whatever amount...130% at max?)

Shotguns and 9mm rounds don't need to do more damage but shotguns should certainly hold them back from advancing as quickly.
perhaps making them miss a turn with the added slowness effect once their damaged enough..I guess...idk about Workers though.
but you'll figure something out.
as for them smaller creatures like juveniles(<-chestbursters? or...) and facehuggers(they even in the game?) they should be harder to hit but have far less health.

hmmm....  on that note... if a facehugger gets too close to you you shouldn't be able to move unless you successfully kill it. and maybe have to switch to your primary before doing so... for them close encounters and all. :/

AliensRL / Re: Gameplay & Mechanics
« on: April 30, 2007, 17:26 »
I had the MP7 in mind as a good replacement weapon that you could use to base your ideas off of. ---->> :D:D:D:P

idk. dosn't really matter to me.

cept I really like that idea of shoot less bullets per skill level as you were saying before.
maybe start out with the untrained person firing full auto at the target until either the clip runs dry, the creature dies or another target appears within a closer range.....maybe.. just throwing this stuff out there.

AliensRL / Re: Gameplay & Mechanics
« on: April 30, 2007, 12:23 »
Lime Green=added text
Yellow=changed text

If you watch the movie you see them taking out aliens with relative ease... the issue was that they were swarming or coming out at them in all directions. observe -> :P

a single burst from a pulse rifle is seeminly enough to mess one up pretty badly if not kill it outright.
though for the game it should take 2(to 3?) and 1 for smart rifle or whatever its called.

and just make ammo more scarce or that you only find weapons of ammo around corpses and locked sercurity rooms (Civilian tower), armories (Military tower) and weapon/ammo caches (storage tower). perhaps have the armories accessible through a long hallway guarded but automated remote sentries that you could disable through a randomly spawned terminal found somewhere on the same level. sercurity control rooms sealed with security cards found off a corpse, can be welded/blown open.
find portable welding equipment in the Engineering tower and explosives in the storages weapon cache or some such.

you could give some aliens a little less health (20% to 10%, 15%? idk) less while giving some while evenly giving them better protection versus low level penitration.
but still applying the slowing effect but to a lesser extent since half of "stoping power" is in relation to how a target receives damage to its internal orgains or motor functionality.
leaving only the light force and light penitrating eeffect to help keep off the creatures from over taking you or your postion as qucikly as the would otherwise.

idk. you could make them spill a little more blood with acid damage which could spray in random directions.(eh? ehh?)
maybe burn away that "invincible" armor we wear.

see, my problem was that I was running around with an mp5.
as a scout with only basic training.

once I got to expert things were alot easier.
but I don't like how that works..

I'd rather we develop our weapon class skills more gradually since the current way of development is too slow and then suddenly dramatic.
rather have more levels with lower cost and a more natural progression. so the change between basic and advanced is less drastic. Replacing the words with levels up to 10 or 9.

you can then label levels 1="untrained", 2 & 3 as "basic", with 4 & 5 as "proficient".
followed up by advanced for levels 6 & 7 then onto 8 & 9 for "expert" with level 10 as "master" or "Mastered". 

then either lower the cost of skill advancement accordingly or lower the costs to be approprietly match things up.

naturally, you would recieve less bonus per level then how things currenlt are.

AliensRL / Re: Gameplay & Mechanics
« on: April 29, 2007, 17:06 »
[1st post]

the mp5 should get replaced by the MP7.
shown here --> with details.

could always make a fictional version bearing whatever stats and capabilites.

however, you should make all damage in the game much higher and give the armors larger protection bonuses. making both the aliens and yourself take much less effort to take down.
maybe make everyone do things gradually slower (move, reload and such) as they take more damage. Giving medics a 25% (or 15%?) bonus against this and an added 5% bonus with each level they progress in their medic skill.

I find the weak damage system to be the biggest pressing issue with the game thus far.
taking too long to die and taking up too much ammo per kill takes away from the games intensity.

It's no fun having to empty your last full clip into a target only for it to absorb the damage without penalty as it claws away at you continously for well over serveral turns just to take your life..... assuming you're not currently maxed out on medic packs since you can use them one after the other even while under attack.(and surrounded by claws).

things are just too drawn out...

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