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Messages - Star Weaver

Pages: [1] 2
Requests For Features / Re: Green? GREEN?!
« on: June 07, 2009, 17:21 »
Green IS used for uniques in a buncha MMOs, but that's not a reason to keep doing it of itself ;).

Anyway, whenver I play a game like this I end up saving a console config where all my dark colors are bright colors and my bright colors are pastels; e.g. dark red is 255,0,0, and bright red is 255,128,128. It's annoying to set up (in winxp) but at least you can make it save it :).

Bug Reports / Empty Inventory > Crash?
« on: April 27, 2008, 11:25 »
Hi; I've been having occasional un-identifiable crashes since the new version, seeming to be caused by alt-tabbing on occason or the one time the window for the game just closed when I wasn't even at the computer; no crash dumps from any of those unfortunatly ...

What I am noticing in a repeatable fashion now that I'm trying to get the 'level 5 of berserker' requirement, is that the game is crashing whenever I go into the inventory screen and the inventory is empty. It's just writing 'saving game / game saved' at the top of the screen in this case, and I can start right back up again afterwards.

Anyone else seeing something like this?

Discussion / Re: Chained Court in
« on: April 25, 2008, 15:37 »
OOOH!. Too bad the armor dosen't break like mine ... or at least not fast enough :D.

Requests For Features / Re: First person graphic mode
« on: April 25, 2008, 15:36 »
I can understand that it wouldn't be a roguelike if someone did do it, but I'd like to see first person turn based random Doom.   It gives the game a nice element of strategy while still keeping the quality that is Doom.

Well, I've seen Dungeon Hack and Diablo classed as roguelikes or roguelikeishes, so that's not that far off.

But how would you do angled targetting? ^_^ It'd probably best be handled using an actual rotatable 3d view of a tiled landscape.

I've always sort of wanted a roguelike with graphics that are like a view of a board-game rpg with figurines on :D. My some-aeon project might do somthing like that ...

Angel of Sinistar.

Named creature is dormant on each level for N turns, eventually comes alive and starts shouting things like "BEWARE, I HUNGER" and "RUN! RUN! RUN!". :D

Would probably work better with a spidie, though.

I like the idea. Wait, what's this about unique monsters? Would be like, random unique monsters? Because occasionally running into a "Sharpshooting <foo>" or an "Athletic <foo>" or a "Insane <foo> on Fire, Holding Dynamite" or something, would be kinda neat.

Discussion / Re: Chained Court in
« on: April 25, 2008, 14:20 »
Stand out in the middle of the side field to the south and target the end of the wall on the other side of the lava from the caco rooms. I don't usually lose items from this. I usually use items because I attack the cacos without having remembered to change weapons again.

This assumes you have a rocket launcher, of course ^_^.

I thought we were supposed to be able to bore through walls with other weapons, now, too? Chaingun seems to not work.

Discussion / Re: Two more inventory slots?
« on: April 25, 2008, 14:06 »
Yay, inventory slots for all.

Though, if you really wanted to, there's two more blank lines on the inventory screen that could be filled out with traits. Might get less pretty, though.

Eh, make it like those old arcade games: if you don't leave the level within 100 moves (or something) he spawns and yells something threatening and starts coming after you. :)

Discussion / Re: An old fan...
« on: April 15, 2008, 15:40 »
Yeah, I tend to play through a few times and then get distracetd by something else, then come back months later and go 'wow, that's, different ...'

He's managing to keep updating the feel of the game without making it wrong, so, cool. Cause this sure ain't the game I tried out four years ago or whatever :D.

Requests For Features / Re: Shotgun Overhaul
« on: April 10, 2008, 14:55 »
I think you mean 'powerful', not 'good'. It's also rather drastic, as it removes one talent, makes another meaningless for a class of items, makes one extremely common item much better, makes two existing items nearly identical, and probably requires rebalancing the whole system.

Bug Reports / Re: Icon of doomrl.exe not correct on Vista
« on: April 10, 2008, 14:50 »
You're supposed to run a .bat? I never did.

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [H||99%] Today I am a man. :]
« on: April 10, 2008, 00:16 »
Cool. I haven't even managed to GET there on anything more than E, largely because mancubuses and such suck and killinate me. :).

Also, you might want to edit your post to use mortem tags, such as

Code: [Select]
[mortem]<paste your stuff here>[/mortem]

which will not only prevent it from treating the [ b ] on your equipment screen as the start of bold for the rest of your post, but will special recolor everything in the mortem format to be nifty.

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [E|96%|12] Bad idea to pull the lever...
« on: April 08, 2008, 14:58 »
Eh, the way you put together sentances is strange but not particuarly hard to understand. If you're curious about that sort of thing, a native speaker might have said something like:

"Well, I think this was the worst situation... I pulled lever number one: Ok, the walls are gone -- the level now looks like one big room. Three seconds later I pull lever number two: The whole level is flooded with lava. Well ... next time I'll ignore the levers."

There are LOTS of variations on word order and word choice that sound natural, and lots more that sound a little strange but are more or less understandable. There's much variance, especially in non-formal quasi-conversational writing. Heck, in writing fictional dialog, you can make someone seem foreign or accented by their words, the order that they put them in.

As for the levers, yeah, they can suck. However, some of the worst of them are forewarned by XXXX, so pay attention to those.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Discussion / Re: Two more inventory slots?
« on: April 07, 2008, 08:07 »
Oh hey, I have a login here. I randomly looked at the site yesterday and found there were suddenly at least two newer versions than I'd seen.

Anyway, I like it. My bags have felt even more clogged since weapon mods were added, though I've noticed that's a little less so in the beginning now since you can attach the first one you find to something if you want, without extreme luck.

I guess the backpack helps currently, but that's not guarenteed or early ...

Also ... I'm trying to imagine this game being possible, even on the easiest, with siginifcantly smarter monsters -- considering it currently (as of a few versions ago, haven't tried running mode much or anything) seems to eventually degenerate into one of 'keep enemies at max range or farther' and/or 'use health kits every other turn, then die' on the middle difficulties, at least, since I could never seem to dodge or get under cover or do any of the stuff that would keep me alive in the FPS ... ^_^

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