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Messages - PrivateFC-barnEbiss

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AliensRL / Seperate font png files?
« on: December 20, 2010, 13:17 »
I have been editing the font10x18.png file and swapping in my own art for aliens and weapons, problem is that when I do this it also messes up the main interface wording since it replaces the words with my fonts I made for aliens and marines. do you think next update you can have it use separate font image files? have one font.png file for aliens one font file for weapons and one font file that is used only for interface wording?. If this could be done I could finish and post my finished modded font files for people to use.

well I was looking into game maker becouse it was a easy to use system to setup and script stuff in.
Unless someone wanted to try coding a core engine from scratch that allowed for for a graphical interface and buttons for actions but keeping the game play area text game play.

Actuly the game maker system can run on linux and mac from what I have been reading on google.

I was doing some research into the game maker system and I found this guy had made a very basic rogue type game  can be seen here.

Forum thread

And download for the guys example

His system is basic also his virsion is real time instead of turn based so having a turn based or real time system that could be select at the start of a game would be easy.

Anyone interested in helping me make a Rogue like system using the game maker system?
 I would like to make a system for the game maker engine that keeps the game play area the text based classic system.
But allow for graphical interface for inventor and click clickable buttons for porting to a tablet PC.
And would allow for mod able skinning of interface and other options
More about the system I am looking into using

Anyone maybe would like to help?

I think it would depend on the sound effect used and how it was implemented, and the sound level the effect is played at.  I still would like this to be implemented or be able to be implemented if a user wanted to do this.  I wish AliensRL had the sound binding ability that DOOMRL has.

I have been playing AliensRL for awhile and I really like the use of sounds for the game and music but I just realized something that could add another depth of coolness. Have it so everytime a player moves it plays the sound of footsteps walking on metal grating, and if player is moving faster it could play a running sound effect. Just an idea I wanted to toss out and see what you guys think. this would give the depth of feel of being inside a future colony complex.

well in my mind it looked sorta like a little face hugger :P becouse its got the little tail :P and is smaller then any of the other alien monster fonts :)

Here is an image of a glowing alien type font I have working on.

Well it would be great if you where to work on expanding ALIENSRL when Kornel stops working on it. or work on a new updated version of ALIENSRL that maybe had some grafics. I'm sure Kornel would not mind you working on a new version. If you do work on a new ALIENS RL type game please keep us informed here. also check out my icon thread I did. you might find my interface icons handy :)

One thing that would be really nice would be to have it take fonts from a BMP file so people could make their own font styles. How hard would it be to have it use custom fonts that a person could drop their font into a font folder inside the game folder and have it use the fonts in that BMP file. Even if the maker of this game did not implement graphics for costume inventory art on the side of the screen if he could implement users being able to put in their own made up fonts I would be very happy.

What he said was, he does not have the time to work on ALIENS RL and in october when he does have time he wants to focus it on working on his other projects so,  ALIENS RL will be basicly dead thats why he plans to release the source code so people can keep working on it if they want.

I talked with him last night on the IRC channel and he said he does indeed plan to release the source code for ALIENRL. and he is planning to move on to other projects. so ALIENSRL will not be worked on any more after he gets the last few things added in for the next release.

AliensRL / Re: Can I donate some of my art content I did up?
« on: September 22, 2007, 14:36 »
Do you know any thing about coding in FP?

AliensRL / Re: Can I donate some of my art content I did up?
« on: September 22, 2007, 09:31 »
Thanks :)

Here are my suggestions for an updated version for ALIENS RL2 When the source is released for ALIENS RL

“Standard Game Mode”  version is one man army like in standard version of ALIENS RL

“Campaign Mode
first level of game is marines area where equipment can be gotten and other marines recruited into squad.   Once you get your squad recruited move to the D “stands for Dropship” for deployment to ground map. 

Once the colony is has been sweeped marines or player is getting kicked by the aliens on the map just head back to the landing zone and back to main ship.

EXP points could maybe be gotten by evacing civs to the dropzone and off the map.

Also in campaign mode colonists should be scattered randomly around a map that can be rescued or armed with weapons.
1.NPC recruitment for recruiting survivors on
2.Order options for giving orders to NPC like in the Warp Rogue game that allows you to give advanced orders like hold and stay and so on. See link

And also simple net play for LAN play between two computers so people can  fight aliens with their friends :P

Also maps should have a blue line outline like was seen in ALIENS on the tactical map in the APC as the marines enter the hive. That would give it a really nice feel :D
This could maybe be done by making a tile system for the walls.

Sound off on what you guys think? And once the source is put out for ALIENS RL would anyone be interested in implementing any of the above stuff?

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