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Well, do they?

They both fire multiple shots.

Discussion / Does difficulty influence drop/spawnrates?
« on: January 03, 2009, 17:25 »
I was playing a game on HNTR just now (AoM) and noticed alot more rare stuff dropping, globes seemed less frequent. Before I was playing on ITYTD, I had only found the "jackal" unique in quite some games, but in this AoM game I found 2 fastload rocketlaunchers, one fastload chaingun (on level 2), phaseshift boots and armor. Aside from that I found *alot* more weaponmods. So, was I just incredably mad lucky or does difficulty influence droprates?

Discussion / Re: Dualgunner
« on: January 03, 2009, 11:13 »
Could anyone explain that in English please?

Requests For Features / Re: Grenades and "Explosives trait"
« on: January 03, 2009, 04:00 »
I never expected my example to be balanced, I just wanted to give an idea of what it could be like. I think it fits the doom scenery pretty well, there's probably not going to be another weapon type that would fit better. More weapon types = more replayability.

I like the idea of grenades bouncing of walls but it would be very hard to realize.

Requests For Features / Re: Rocketman trait!
« on: January 02, 2009, 17:52 »
No friendly fire damage would make it overpowered I think, seeing as there's an abundance of rockets (in my experience, which is not all that much).

Requests For Features / Re: Inventory slot Trait
« on: January 02, 2009, 17:45 »
At 3/4 more inventory slots it begins sounding interesting though, depends on the build if it's really a good idea. Whenever the option causes a serious dilemma it's pretty well balanced.

Requests For Features / Re: Vampiric Bastard trait
« on: January 02, 2009, 17:42 »
Dang, I thought I was being somewhat original (have never played Wolfenstein). Under 20% seems a bit radical though, because anyware above level 7 you'd get one hitted with less than 20%, maybe 50%?

Bare in mind though that in the heat of action (when health is most needed) the player has not time to collect blood.

P.S> I was mostly joking about the name :P, thought it fitted with the Son of a Bitch theme. Blooddrinker? Vampire?

Requests For Features / Grenades and "Explosives trait"
« on: January 02, 2009, 17:37 »
I was thinking, it would be reallly cool if there were grenades (accompanied by an explosives trait) in Doomrl. Now I don't know enough of the game mechanics to come up with a balanced damage output, but I'll give it a go throughout this thread. 5d5 radius 2 sounds alright. Accuracy would start out at 50% (not related to distance) and in case of a miss the grenade would explode one random square away from the target (thus reducing damage). Throwing a grenade would cost x seconds, and grenades would not need to be equipped.

An Explosives trait could give combat more depth another "route" to take for your character traitwise, I'm thinking along the lines of "Adds 2d5 damage each level to grenade damage and half of that to all other explosive weapons" (BFG and barrels excluded). The Jackal would then need some rebalancing, unable to dualwield for sure and maybe some reduction in clip size and damage. However, the Jackal could be made a sure find in the Hell Arena or an area like that.

To finish off the "Explosives route" there could be another trait with Explosives (2) required. I'm thinking either "grenades accuracy is now 100%", or "player can try to extract grenades out of barrels 20% succesrate" (10% critical fail rate where the barrel explodes). 

Grenades could appear randomly on the ground, or on pistol/shotty marines (who would also be able to throw them), hell why no grenadier marine?

As you guys can see there's alot of places to go with this concept. I tried working it out in a way that would make explosives a viable way of fighting *all* hellspawn, instead of making it a small conveniance usefull to all character builds, I did that because I feel it would be way better (if achieved in balance). Obivously, grenades as a helpfull weapon that all character builds could use but not get specialised in would be fucking awesome as well.

Requests For Features / Vampiric Bastard trait
« on: January 02, 2009, 14:56 »
Unlocked by Son of a Bitch (3), replenishes some lost health (+-2) to the player by walking over the small drops of blood on the floor (cannot replenish above max health).

Discussion / Re: Share your tales of RAGE
« on: January 02, 2009, 14:44 »
Just tried my first shottyman runthrough, got struck by bad luck time after time. I kept running into "barrel levels", found an awefull lot of useless weapon mods (while I normally go for pistols and crave them). Found Gothic boots on level 11 which were useless :(. The entire game, which lasted untill level 13 (orso) I was still walking around with the default shotgun (couldn't find any other shotgun).

Man, Doomrl can be frustrating.

P.S. First post, w00t.

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