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Author Topic: [0.8.7|H|AoNY|Sc|7|YASD] Swarmed by armored ravagers in Europa Central Dig  (Read 1928 times)


  • Lance Corporal
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Angel of New York Reload is really brutal. Relative to a standard game, the biggest problems in AoNY are total randomness of access to dropped weapons in Europa (I have not got past Europa Central Dig yet), the inability to keep good weapons and upgrade them, and being underleveled due to low XP.

A rather typical situation that ended quite a few of my attempts is a pack of exalted fiends or reavers. There is simply not enough DPS to deal with them, due to being underleveled and unable to upgrade weapons. One needs to be lucky to have a loaded .44 revolver or SMG to dispatch exalted fiends. But there is no conventional weapon at all that will kill three exalted, say, resilient, armored, or regenerating reavers without reloading.

Switching weapons is usually not enough. One slot is occupied by Golden Gun which should not be used early. Anticipating the inability to kill almost anything in IO and Beyond, Golden Gun ammo is needed to be saved for the situations where there is no other way. Like running from a couple of cryoreavers, and armored ravager blocks the only way to exit.
So Scout has only two weapon slots left. Often it is a pair of chainguns that won't save from exalted reavers. Even if one of the slots is autoshotty or SMG, these are not going to be enough.

In Callisto it is possible to clear practically everything. I skipped most vaults as they tend to have fiends and bots that don't drop weapons, and occasional bot or turret. But killed the rest, except in one of the levels I run to the elevator from exalted fiends. Military Barracks was a good place to venture in, because of guaranteed lots of weapons.

Europa starts to be really difficult. The distribution of weapon drops is too random. An unlucky level with most enemies reavers and ravagers and exit not nearby, and there is nothing you can really do. A guaranteed level like that is Europa Central Dig. That's where my run ended because I had no ammo and armored ravagers and whatnot were coming from all directions. To be honest, I am not sure how it is possible to get through it on Hard.

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Yeah, I'm finding the same things you're describing here.  I'm impressed that you got as far as you did!
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)


  • Lance Corporal
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I got a slightly better AoNY run and managed to pass Europa Central Dig into IO, but died in IO entry room to CRI marines.

ECD was crazy.
When I enter, I have two almost full chainguns. I immediately see two cryoreavers, straight ahead and down. I switch on Run mode (not enough energy for Stealth) and start running up, to the closest seemingly safe bottleneck. On the way there I reveal more cryoreavers. I pray to RNG not to bump into armored ravagers while running from reavers. My prayer is heard. I am in the bottleneck and dispatch the closest cryoreaver, it takes  3 chaingun volleys. In the meanwhile his mates get close and bunch together. Four of them, next to each other.

Pause. I realize there is no way I have enough firepower to kill them, nor Running or Stealth to get away. And any moment someone else can appear from the other side.

Quick check of the inventory. One krak and one frag. Perfect for 4 reavers together, and a fuel barrel nearby. After that three die and one is left with little health. One chaingun valley solves it. But wait, one more cryoreaver wants my head. So, it's been six of them together. Great. Three more valleys from chaingun solve the problem.

Now I am left with one half empty and one empty chaingun (and full Golden gun), and one large medkit.
And no Running or Stealth.

I start carefully moving around. Anywhere I try to go there are ravagers and armored ravagers. I lure one armored to the same bottleneck and kill him with the remaining ammo. Get blasted in the process. Now I am empty and low on health. Great.

But I cleared the way to two chests. One with ammo and one something elese equally uselesess, that I manage to open without getting ravagers' attention. But now I got energy for Stealth mode. I realize that with empty weapons my only chance is to run to the exit. So I use the last medkit, get as close as possible and start running.

Of course, as I cross the stone bridge, two cryoberos decide to have a walk exactly where I am supposed to go. Boom, boom. They are dead, two bullets from Golden Gun gone. I am visible and armored ravagers are very happy to see me.

So I manage to get to Io, with a smear of health left. A welcome party of two CRI marines end my struggle.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 16:58 by Andizee »
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