You swap your weapon. ?????#?????????????????????????????#
Game saved. Press <Enter> to exit. ?????#???•?????????????????????????#
#???????# ?h???????An unhandled exceptio
n occurred at $004788C2 : #####+########/#### ????????????????????????????#
ERangeError : Range check error?????????????????# ???????????????????????????#
$004788C2 TPLAYER__DOFIRE, line 711 of dfplayer.pas???????????????????????#
$0047A7AF TPLAYER__AICONTROL, line 1056 of dfplayer.pas###################
$0049362B TBEING__ACTION, line 590 of dfbeing.pasor [2/2] (166%) (B)
$00411202 TDOOM__RUN, line 371 of doombase.pas[20/20]
$00401AFD main, line 31 of doomrl.pas Phobos Base Lev9
Abnormal program termination! Please write down the above
to help get rid DoomRL of all those bugs! You only need
to write down the filenames and linenumbers.
Attempting to save game.... Press <Enter>
Game crashed when I attempted to shoot a monster with a Blaster that I had just picked up in that same level. The game did manage to save the game. I can furnish a copy of it.