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Author Topic: Angel of Pacifism Crash/Scout Bug  (Read 3050 times)

Buckshot Bill

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Angel of Pacifism Crash/Scout Bug
« on: November 25, 2011, 20:56 »

This is my first post on the forums, and seeing as I love DoomRL so much, I am really sad that my very first post has to be regarding something so ugly. I say ugly, because when this particular event occurred, I nearly had an aneurysm. I had been trying multiple times to get an Angel of Pacifism run completed on Nightmare mode. As I am sure you can guess, this is about as incredibly ****ing difficult as it sounds... only more so. However, I finally made my way down to the Cyberdemon, and what's more, I made it down there with tactical armor, tactical boots, a Hellwave Pack, and two Shockwave Packs. So I thought to myself... "Just because weapons are forbidden, why should I use the thermonuclear device and go down WITH the little ****er?"

With that in mind, I ran up to him, and promptly dropped all three Waves, one after the other. I got the "Cyberdemon died, yada yada yada" message, followed IMMEDIATELY by DoomRL crashing (you know, the "X Program has stopped responding" Windows error? Yeah, THAT one). I would love to provide you a screenshot, but alas, I cannot, because the program closed automatically, thus costing me perhaps the only chance I will EVER have to complete Angel of Pacifism on Nightmare (this was such a long process, with such a horrible end, that I doubt I will ever make the attempt again, unless I develop a sudden case of intense masochism). Anyhow, I doubt it's something that will come up that often (even making the attempt is really a sign that you need some kind of gamer therapy), but I wanted to make sure people knew it happens, just in case.

Also, I have never had DoomRL crash in ANY other instance, no matter what I tried to do, so I don't even have a point of reference as to what, specifically, might have been causing this. If, by chance, the cause is discovered, and fixed (for CERTAIN), please let me know, because it would almost be worth it to me to spend another six hours attempting this nonsense (yes, that's how long I spent on it), just so I can finally do it, and claim I did. Also, if it matters at all, I was playing a Scout on this run (the speed bonus is important for an AoP run). Which brings me to the next bug...

The Scout's inherent "stair detection" ability does not appear to work during ANY challenge game. At least, I have not had it function in Angels of: Marksmanship, Shotgunnery, Berserk, Pacifism, or 100. I haven't tried it yet in any of the others, because the others are all games which I haven't tried yet at all in this version. This isn't a CRITICAL issue, but since the main benefit to the Scout is never having to guess where to flee to if you are really up a tree, and that benefit gets taken away for some weird reason in the challenge games, I think it should either be fixed or (if it's intentional) be stated in the documentation not to make your class choice based on this perk. In closing, I apologize for the massive novel.

Buckshot Bill

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Re: Angel of Pacifism Crash/Scout Bug
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2011, 22:29 »

Addendum... Having tried several other AoP runs since (what can I say, I am a sucker for punishment), it has crashed every single time. And it waits until I am at LEAST to the sixth level of Phobos Hell.


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Re: Angel of Pacifism Crash/Scout Bug
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 02:01 »

The stair sense is intended to not work on Pacifism, Red Alert and Darkness. No idea about anything else.
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Re: Angel of Pacifism Crash/Scout Bug
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2011, 14:07 »

With that in mind, I ran up to him, and promptly dropped all three Waves, one after the other. I got the "Cyberdemon died, yada yada yada" message, followed IMMEDIATELY by DoomRL crashing (you know, the "X Program has stopped responding" Windows error? Yeah, THAT one).
I can't say I have any good sense for why you would get a crash. The only thing "out of place" is actually getting a standard victory against the Cyberdemon during a Pacifist run, but surely that wouldn't crash the PROGRAM and only cause some kind of technical error within the game (which would also probably steal the badge but at least would be easier to figure out). If you happen to have the output for the Windows crash, it may provide use some insight into fixing this.

The Scout's inherent "stair detection" ability does not appear to work during ANY challenge game. At least, I have not had it function in Angels of: Marksmanship, Shotgunnery, Berserk, Pacifism, or 100. I haven't tried it yet in any of the others, because the others are all games which I haven't tried yet at all in this version.
Zecks is correct on this: Stair sense is disabled on AoRA/AoPc/AoD, as it would mitigate much of the difficulty that these challenges provide. I don't know why it wouldn't be showing up for other challenges but I will do what I can to duplicate it.
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