Angel of Nudity - You cannot wear armor or boots, but get +3*lvl% resistances.
Angel of Hoarding - Start with a backpack, can't drop anything other than ammo (because expending it would be boring).
Angel of Adrenaline - There's a speed modifier for every action that depends linearly on your health. You get -25% at 0, +0% at 50, +25% at 100, +50% at 150, +75% at 200. So you move fast only at low health, and supercharging is dangerous.
Angel of Delayed Gratification - You only get traits every 3rd level, but you get to choose 4 traits at a time.
Angel of Blinking - Every action has a 2% or 3% chance of teleporting you somewhere nearby, like a shambler.
Angel of Blindness - Your field of vision is of radius 2, but enemies outside your vision are marked by Xs at a large range. The second rank of intuition lets you see what kind of monsters are close to you, as from a Tracking Map.
Archangel of Blindness - Your field of vision has radius 1, but you always have a Computer Map effect. You can already sense monsters a couple tiles beyond your vision, which can be extended by the second rank of intuition.
Angel of Conflict - Every monster is set to actively hunt the player.
Angel of Gravity - Knockback gets a +100% boost for doomguy and enemies.
Angel of Stasis - Movement speed is doubled for doomguy and enemies, knockback is halved.
Angel of Squishiness - Enemies always get gibbed upon dying, which means no resurrection but no drops either. N! fobidden in addition to ITYTD.
Angel of Plasticine - Walls and barrels are fragile and unarmored on all levels.
Angel of Violation - monsters receive a -100% melee resistance while the player gets a -200% melee resistance. You can guess the archangel version.
Angel of Mutation - You get experience twice as fast, but traits are randomly distributed instead of chosen.
Archangel of Mutation - You still get experience twice as fast. Every time you level-up, one trait is randomly taken away, and two traits are randomly distributed.
Angel of Alien - You cannot wear/wield equipment You have a +50% speed bonus but cannot run. You leave puddles of acid the way enemies leave blood-marks. If you press "." 5 times in a row, you become invisible to enemies. And you destroy doors instead of opening them. And you have +100% acid resistance. And while you can't use medkits, you innately have 1 rank of the vampyre trait.
Angel of Bieber - You cannot wield/fire any weapons, but deal 1d1 damage to all visible enemies every turn.