Guts Man Chronicles: I Am a Complete Retard!
Note the bullheadedly stupid shotgunners on L2. Those idiots blew up my medkits! :(
Also note L3 where I specifically do
not pick up a berserk pack. Won't do that again. -_-; You will note from this point on that I often completely skip large portions of the map. If you don't already know the score, this is because I heard
bad noises coming from over there, and I am not Blade and have absolutely no illusions that I'm going to 100% this insanity. I hope Kornel or some equally awesome dude makes a DoomRL specific demo player so we can watch this stuff with sound someday.
L7: I love it when invuln sprees last exactly as long as you need them to. Barrel in face. Didn't save me from the same thing happening again like thirty seconds later, though. I'm proud of the way I handled the third encounter on this level: I was sure that shotgunner was going to blow me up again, but I swung wide enough to prevent it and managed to get between him and the foo before he could get a second shot off.
L8: I have a
problem with doorways. It continually surprises me how good the running dodge bonus is. I often die before I can take any HR, yet imps and captains still pose little threat if I can hold my charge until the right time.
L9: Barrel + invuln = jetpack? Maybe I should start doing this on purpose. :p
L10/HA: Yeah, I'm a punk.
L11: Eight pinkies with no berserk. Thanks, RNG. Then, having learned my lesson about not taking berserk packs, I completely waste a berserk pack. >:(
HoC: Now you know how this ep got its name.