I program in Java for a living, have been using it since about 3 years and it is my language of choice for almost everything, including standalone, mobile and web applications. Before Java I used to program in QBasic and even made a complete game, Neo Archer Fire (which is saying something already) as well as some minor shooters and a puzzle. I have a lot of unfinished projects, as everybody does, including 2 RPGs, 2 Shooters, 1 civ clone, 1 browser based game, 1 RPG Creation Kit and 3 roguelikes (OfficeRL, Guardian Angel and GREEKIE). My 'major' roguelike (as in 'most-vapourous'), Guardian Angel, is going for its 3rd rewrite, and hopefully its last one :p
The project I am most proud of is CastlevaniaRL, which is now fully playable, has many unique features and is fun to play, it has been called one of the first 'arcade roguelikes'. It was born from the first 7DRL challenge and evolved during the last year to what it is now.
I am currently participating on the 2nd 7DRL challenge with 'ANT, the OP'
Well, I guess thats it ;)