Stuff about all weapons being decent without traits except shotguns.
The chaingun and double shotty have similar usefulness on a traitless character. The chaingun keeps missing, the shotgun keeps doing reduced damage unless you can ambush your enemies in close range.
Heck, more range means less accuracy, so to stop your chaingun from missing you'd need to get up close like a shotgun user anyway.
this is a bit unfair because shotguns are being left aside, hell if i had to go close combat aint the chainsaw better? no ammo chewing decent damage and possibility to get lance.
It takes 3 seconds to reload then fire a Dshotgun for 36 damage.
But you can just keep swinging for 14 per hit every second with a chainsaw. This makes 42 every 3 seconds.
But then you add in the fact that the chainsaw can miss, and the 42 becomes roughly 36 again.
Keep in mind that there's no "Swing from a little further back to do less damage" option with the chainsaw, making it less versatile. And it does not do AoE damage.
And it can't destroy barrels without having you take lots of damage as a result.
And this is without mentioning the best part about the DoubleShotty, it's ability to do lots of damage in the first second (Which is the most important second. If you kill everything in the first second, it doesn't matter if you need to reload after that.)
Traitless Chaingun: 15 damage in one second... if every bullet hits. So around 11 on average then. (Note, this is only twice as good as a pistol shot.)
Traitless Rocket Launcher: The rocket does 14 damage, but the explosion adds another 14 on to that or something. Let's just call it 30.
Traitless DShotty: 36 damage in one second, at point blank. For every square you are away, remove 3 damage.
Traitless PlasmaRifle: 36 damage in one second... if every cell hits. So around 27 on average then.
Making the Doubleshotty better at one-shot-killing things than the plasma rifle at point blank or short ranges.
It's also better than the rocket launcher at point blank or short ranges, and it doesn't hurt you or the items.
And the chaingun is only better than the DShotty at, say, 10 squares away? Which is basically sniping the enemy.
and yea those who are protecting the shotgun build, try beating the game on hard
I was about to say I beat you to the punch there, but then I noticed that you specifically said "Hard" probably solely for this reason.
I've only beaten hard once (And V.Hard once as well) and it's certainly no walk in the park, even for the generic rapid-fire build. Heck, I could go out on a limb and assume that you've never beaten the game on hard. You would've posted a mortem of it or something if you did, right?
So if you think the rapidfire build's so great, then surely you could beat the game on hard like you claim the shotgun build can't. Of course, failure to do this means that you're admitting that the build doesn't matter per se, only the person actually playing.