Would it be possible of any of the
monster resource WAD monster go get into DoomRL
The most ideal ones, IMO.
Cacolich -
- similar health to a Cacodemon - At long range it fires a green and yellow fire ball, similar to the cacodemons ball but in close range, it uses a rapid flame attack, the flames of which look similar in colour to the ball.
Dark imp -
- Roughly twice as durable as an imp - fires one of two balls. 1st ball is essentially a weaker version of the cacodemon attack and the other a stronger ball which pushes back the player.
Stone Imp -
- Roughly twice as durable as a pinky demon - Imp with a lot of health and powerful melee attack in exchange for no ranged attack and speed.
Mauler Demon -
- Same health as a demon - A regular demon in most aspects but with one difference: It charges at you when the player is far away from it.
Warrior Imp -
- About the same health as a demon - The MRW one has so many different attack that an as is implementation would be impratical. Instead, I propose 3 attacks. 1st is that it fires a etheral red skull at long range (Slightly stronger than imp ball), 2nd is a strike with the mace at close range (More powerful than a standard imp attack) and third is also long range and it spawns a small dragon, which is weak, fairly slow, airbourne and has a weak flame attack at 2 unit range.