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Author Topic: ! Remember red previous shooting point & Wait after "f" on @ (failed suicide) !  (Read 3906 times)

Palmiro Togliatti

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Two big suggestion that will help me a lot:

1) When I shoot in a direction, and then I press "f" again, the game remembers my previous direction only if it was in the green shooting points, and not if it was in the green. I think making the game remember even with the red would save a lot of time for intuituin-like strategies (people who shoot to very far monsters out of their view).

2) When in simple but confused situations I just quickly press "f", "f", "f, "f", waiting for all those imps and soldiers to die under my chaingun.
Often I accidentally continue to press "f" when no more monsters are anymore in sight; this result in me getting those message "Find a more constructive way to commit suicide" and "You see: Palmiro Togliatti (not hurt)" alternatevely.

The problem is: in those situation it is very important for me to know if the last message was "Find a more constructive way to commit suicide" or "You see: Palmiro Togliatti (not hurt)".
Because in the first case I have to press "f" and then shoot in the direction I know there are monsters; in the second case I just have to shoot in that direction without having to press "f" before.

And this is annoying because I have to choiches:
A) Reading what was the last message (annoying)
B) (this is what I do very often) Pressing the directional key in the direction I want to shoot.. hoping the last message was "You see: Palmiro Togliatti (not hurt)". If the 50/50 chance goes bad, I can have two results:
b1) I make one or two steps toward the enemies and they shoot a couple of bullets at me; superficial wounds
b2) I make two or more steps toward the enemies and I discover there were also a Baron of Hell and a Searg.. ok, you got my point.

Possible solution: eliminating this 50/50 situation and making only one possible result when the player is "f"erserking.
This means: not accepting shooting on himself as a move; when this happens, you still get the "Find a more constructive way to commit suicide" message, but the game doesn't continue: if you press a directional key, the cursor moves (not Palmiro Togliatti), and if you want to go somewhere you have to press "esc" and exit the aim menu.
E tu pretendi di fare la rivoluzione senza sapere i risultati della Juve?

S.K. Ren

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Just press the 'Esc' key.
(6:50:00 AM) Simon-v: How do you live in a world where Everything's Trying To Kill You?
(6:50:23 AM) xander_morhaime: Briefly.


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There is simpier way to say all of this:
Make invalid targeting do not exit from targeting mode.
Put a chainsaw in my coffin. If I go to Hell, I'll need to do some cleaning there.


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There is simpier way to say all of this:
Make invalid targeting do not exit from targeting mode.
So what if you know there is a Hell Knight oustide the room and you shoot in darkness?
Ludzie, którzy piją, są dla mnie niczym...

... niczym bracia!


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Then you press F to confirm shoot, or something like this.
Put a chainsaw in my coffin. If I go to Hell, I'll need to do some cleaning there.


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Ugh, this is just the risk you get with spam firing. Read the messages, press 'f' in two bursts (aim-fire, small pause, aim-fire, small pause, etc.), or you can go into the ini file and color the "Find a more constructive way to commit suicide" in Red (makes it stick out, and I can tell you what to enter in the ini if you need). If you find reading the messages "annoying", no offense, but maybe you shouldn't be playing an ASCII game. It's all text based actions, and it will likely remain that you will have to read messages to truly understand the game events.
An issue similar to this (which I HAVE had, and fixed) is fire-fire-fire, run out of ammo, then not noticing, and preparing to fire, then moving when you expect to be aiming. Solution is in the ini file too, switching on the empty clip prompt. Basically, when you run out of ammo, you can't do anything until you hit enter. Only issue is, the prompt does not appear until you hit enter. But at least you don't walk out into a group of mancubi. I'll take the annoyance of hitting enter a few times over death any day.

S.K. Ren

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Something I would rather have is a short pause if you try to fire and you're out of ammo. I can't count how many times I've died when I try to aim and instead I move because I'm out of ammo. I mean there are some levels where you just get so focused on where enemies are on the map and trying to stay alive you don't really look at the status bar at the bottom, ya know?

Like make it so you can still aim and display the message you normally get from firing on empty when you fire instead of displaying it and not doing anything at all.
(6:50:00 AM) Simon-v: How do you live in a world where Everything's Trying To Kill You?
(6:50:23 AM) xander_morhaime: Briefly.


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From the doomrl.ini:
Code: [Select]
// Setting to TRUE will make the game wait for an enter/space key if
// trying to fire an empty weapon.
EmptyConfirm     = FALSE;
This is essentially what you're after. Note that the message is displayed AFTER pressing space/enter. No time passes.
Under a pale grey sky, we shall arise.


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Yea, that is what I mentioned earlier. If it could be set up so that the message displays WHEN you try to fire while empty, that would be helpful, and I would personally vote for making that the default setting.
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