That's right, Wolfenstein RL.
I know I'll probably never see it, and I'm not sure why I'm so gun-ho about it, since it's essentially a dumbed-down version of Doom RL, but I still want it. Perhaps if one of us could get our hands on the Doom RL source code (wink wink, nudge nudge) this could happen.
What I see would make this different from Doom is there would be more stealth and conservation of ammo (there is only one type of ammo here!) Does anyone remember the really, really old version of Wolfenstein, before it was 3D? You had limited ammo and a few grenades, so you had to use your wits. I guess what I want to see is the original Wolfenstain plus the features and enemies implemented by Wolfenstain 3D.
This is what I see as far as enemies:
Guard: Your average Former Human. I remember from the game he went down with a single bullet -- That's my kind of enemy!
SS Troop: The Former Human Sergeant or Captain with a sub-machine gun. A bit more health.
Dog: Basically an itty-bitty demon. Isn't it cute? Also goes down with a bullet.
Mutant: Two pistols, fast firing rate; my childhood memories of these guys were painful.
Bosses: Remember the big beefy guys with grappling guns for hands? They could easily replace Hell Knights and Barons. Only every couple levels, mind!
I'm sure there were more. I think there might have been ninjas for some reason, as well as Hitler-ghosts and the Fueher himelf in his little robot suit!
In Wolf 3D, there were only three guns and a knife, as well as only one type of ammo. The origianl non-3d Wolf had grenades as well. Like I said before, maybe this one would rely a bit more on strategy than running in guns-a-blazing, since Guards and Dogs both easily fell to a single bullet each.
Anywho, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll throw this topicopen for discussion. I know I probably won't see this happen, at least not here, but tell me what you think!