8.1.-8.3. here (or anywhere else with a YAAM req a note should be made on the Full Win problem with 100%)
While I'm at it, I should probably scour the guide for every badge instance where dying to JC won't net you the badge. Good to note both things, though, thanks.
8.3. does this one take AM in CC into account?
That's a good point, CC/AM on UV is really hard. Or at least, harder than both special levels on UV.
11.1 Lavawalking UC doesn't work anymore, also it doesn't seem to take the HA and LP bosses into account
Fixed UC and HA descriptions, but LE is mentioned in the Lava badges (which require you to clear the level) so I think there's enough implication that it has to be destroyed.
17.2./17.3. remove repetitious descriptions like these, and just send back the reader to the easier badge
I guess I didn't see the redundancies in these badges (you were talking about Eagerness Silver/Gold?) but I will be sure to read through it more carefully next time. I just wanted to get 2.0 OUT, since I had been writing it on-and-off for about a month, but revisions should come quicker.
23.2. A Cybie-only level *CAN* spawn
I haven't actually seen single-monster type levels yet. Maybe a bug, maybe they're just really improbable. I'll add it, but I still need to see it myself.
29. aren't those changed already in
31. same here?
Reaper requirements haven't changed, as far as I know. I'm pretty sure added mentions on the new stuff for Scavenger (although it should probably be more properly integrated), but again, the requirements themselves shouldn't be any different (or even in the latest released beta).
The rest has been taken care of, thanks for the input. And I guess you get to go in the acknowledgments now! :P