The campaign against the Evil Overlord that had been plaguing the realm was a long and difficult one. You'd faced down and slain a number of his lieutenants, thwarted more than a few of his nefarious schemes. In the end, your path brought you to foot of the Overlord's last stronghold.
The land around was inhospitable to say the least, tall, steep mountains and sparse vegetation - and the Dark Tower looming over the whole countryside. A narrow stone walkway over a deep chasm led up to the gate, though curiously enough nobody tried to shoot you off as you approached. With storm clouds gathering overhead, you quickly decided that trying to climb the outside of the tower was a poor idea, and opted instead for going in through the front door. The door itself, though solid, eventually yielded with some persuasion of the forceful kind.
The chamber immediately beyond the gate served as a lobby, no doubt. It was quite spacious and well lit, with a raised floor closer to the opposite wall, with a short flight of stairs leading up onto it. Further along, you could see the main stairwell leading up into the tower proper. There were two large pillars holding up the tall ceiling here, one on either side of the room, and eight large braziers around the room providing a good amount of light.
Of course, the room wasn't entirely unpopulated either. At the foot of the small stair, you saw a trio of short, brown-skinned, goblin-like creatures, huddled together and blocking the approach to the stairs. They were covered in crude hides for armour, and each had a long spear that was pointing in your general direction. They weren't the only problem, however. What you initially thought were more braziers quickly turned out to be more of the odd goblins - red skinned this time, and seemingly lit from inside by an inner fire - as they stepped up to the edge of the raised platform and greeted you warmly - with a voley of small fireballs called up from their hands. Three of them smacked into Tristan, who'd been walking in front, causing very severe burns, a fourth hit Ma'kirr, also causing some serious damage, though the fifth missed the monk by a fair margin.
Welcome to the Dark Tower! As you can see, you've got a bit of a welcoming committee waiting for you.
The large pillars are, as you might expect, impassable, and block LoS. The braziers are difficult terrain, and on fire, so walking on them is not advised. The dark line marks the edge of the raised platform - 5 feet higher than the rest of the floor.
Initiative order as follows:
1. Red Firethrowers (already moved)
2. Aden Uthadar (Madtrixr)
3. Brown Phalanx
4. Ma'Kirr (S.K. Ren)
5. Saliak (Tavana)
6. Ryltar (Malek Deneith)
7. Tristan (Gargulec)
Note that you have already received some damage. Tristan managed to catch all three fireballs for a total of 20 damage (23 remaining, almost bloodied), while Ma'Kirr caught one for 8 damage (25 remaining).