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Author Topic: Wiki: Reactivation  (Read 75460 times)

Malek Deneith

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Wiki: Reactivation
« on: September 27, 2006, 09:18 »

Code: [Select]
[code]It seems that Kornel has been sliping a few things behind our backs... we shouldn't update wiki just yet but I feel that posting your finds here won't hurt... oh, and I'm planning to give Weapons/Items/Monsters/Levels sections a bit of overhaul when I'll find time to test how exactly to make templates.

As for my share of stuff/listings of what to find out/listing of what willl have to be added:

Cowar & Aggressive damage mod. formulas "stolen" from Kornel himself (not sure if they are melee only or not):

[code]Coward = Damage/2 rounded down (0 if 1 damage initialy)
aggresive = Damage * 1.4 rounded down

 New level type - "The complex" - properties need more testing

New special level - unholy cathedral - more info on exact number of lost souls and demons needed

changed special level - hell's arena - need to check new messages, enemies (+checking how they change on diffrent difficulty levels) and rewards

changed special level - chained court - meh, just have to write down what ammo is in those 2 secret rooms, and put a note about picking up the chainsaw a first time

New enemy - Pain elemental - info needed

New enemy - angel of death - info needed

new weapon - spear of longinus - 8d8 melee weapon, need info on supposed armor increase

advanced trait - dualgunner - 3 levels, allows dual wield of pistols but 140% of fireing time on level one... normal f. time on lvl 3, need son of a gun 2

advanced trait - berserker - 2-3 levels (?), chance to go berserk upon melee attack (unknown %), need brute 2

advanced trait - cats eye - unchanged (?), need eagle eye 2

New level message - "You smell dry blood" - the exact message may vary - didn't write it up fast enough, effects unknown (died on the level I got)
New level message - "You shiver from cold" - not exactly new but untested

New (?) Berserk Pack effect - more or less triples the damage

"You feel the breeze of morbid air..." - I'm 99% sure this denotes lost souls on the level (the enty in the wiki lists that as a possibility but says 'more testing needed")


Code: [Select]
Corporal (reach level 10) {unlocks angel od berserk, angel o
f marksmanship and angel of darkness challenges}
Sergeant(reach level 15, reach l5 in angel of berserk challenge, reach l10 in
 angel of marksmanship challenge) {unlocks angel of impatience and ultra voil
Lieutenant(win the game, reach l10 in angel of impatience challenge, reach l15 in
angel of marksmanship challenge){???}


Code: [Select]
Former Human (kill a total of 50 former humans)
Imp (kill a total of 100 imps, kill a total of 30 enemies in melee)

Things to find out: use the visible melee damage system to test out melee damage of monsters and their hp, new XP values (the experience is supposedly reworked as of beta 4 - need more confirmation on this)

Now get there and find me mor info - Give'em hell marine! ;)[/code][/code]
« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 04:59 by Malek »
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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 10:21 »

To achieve Demon rank:

Kill a total of 200 demons
Kill 100 enemies in melee
Kill a total of 20 demons in melee (!)

When you advance to imp rank it says something like "Well done, thanks to your great ferocity for are now at Imp rank"


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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 12:45 »

Quoting: Anticheese
Kill a total of 20 demons in melee (!)

Pffft. I've killed about 50 of them in melee.

Quoting: Anticheese
When you advance to imp rank it says something like "Well done, thanks to your great ferocity for are now at Imp rank"

Actually, more like "Well done, thanks to your ferocious determination you are now at the Imp rank." although I may have messed up the last part.

To achieve Cacodemon rank:

Kill 300 cacodemons
Kill 400 enemies using a pistol (!)
Kill 40 cacodemons in melee (I was surpised I hadn't done this when I got a demon rank, then I slowly performed a reality check.)
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
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Malek Deneith

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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2006, 12:49 »

Quoting: Thomas
Pffft. I've killed about 50 of them in melee.

But you play melee games more than anyone else here, Turgor :P BTW, could you drop some info on Armor Bonus of Spear of Longinus?
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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2006, 13:24 »

Quoting: Malek

But you play melee games more than anyone else here, Turgor :P BTW, could you drop some info on Armor Bonus of Spear of Longinus?

I think it's +6. And you feel a breeze of morbid air means there's red stairs in the level.
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
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Malek Deneith

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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2006, 16:55 »

Red stairs are when you get "You sense a passageway to beyond." As for "morbid breeze" I'm 99% sure it's lost souls room - got them every time I got the message, as far as I can remember... Oh, and If you manage to get Spear of Longinus again, please save the game and copy the save - for purposes of extensive testings of that armor bonus

And a couple of more things I tested out:

Code: [Select]
Lieutenant unlocks:
 - Angel of Light Travel
 - Nightmare (not yet implemented)

HP Tests:
Former Human/Former Sergeant - 10 HP (certain)
Demon - 20 HP (certain)
Imp ~ 12 HP (needs a bit more testing)
Lost Soul ~ 14 HP (needs a bit more testing)
Cacodemon ~~ 45 HP (needs a LOT more testing)

Correct version of the blood message:
"Ther's the smell of blood in thy air!"

<b>[EDIT]</b>Okay, nevermind with the file - Kornel just confirmed that it's 6 points :)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 04:59 by Malek »
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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2006, 21:26 »

Kornel might nerf the armor bonus on the LS though, it is a bit too big really.

I haven't done any experience testing yet, i'll get on it later today.


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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2006, 07:10 »

Quoting: Malek
Demon - 20 HP (certain)

It's above 21, I just hit one in berserk a few times: 8, 11, 8, dead.

EDIT: Wait a minute... what's 11 + 8 again? Nevermind.
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2006, 10:17 »

That, and I can't edit my old one for some reason.

Preresquites for the Captain rank:

Win as an angel of light travel.
Win as an angel of impatience.
Get to level 15 as an angel of berserk.
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2006, 17:20 »

Needed for "Major" Rank :
-- win the game on at least Hurt Me Plenty
-- complete the Angel of Markmanship  challenge
-- complete the Angel of Purity  challenge

Getting the Captain Rank unlocks Angel of Haste and Angel of Purity.

Malek Deneith

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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2006, 17:28 »

More info, sw33t... on a bit off-topic note, what are the rules of angel of haste/purity?
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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2006, 17:34 »

Quoting: Malek
More info, sw33t... on a bit off-topic note, what are the rules of angel of haste/purity?

Angel of Haste : DoomRl is too long, you want to fight your way through, as fast as possible. Each down stairs takes you 2 levels down.

Angel of Purity : Who needs those powerups anyway? Try to finish DoomRL without them. But remember that health globes are also a powerup!

Both ratings is HARD. No, I don't want to try them :P On the Angel of Haste, you also start on Level 2, so no easy-level with medpacks and an easy shotgun!

Malek Deneith

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Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2006, 13:11 »

Now do you remember my babling about reformatting wiki? Here is a trial what I was thinking about - a brand new page just about Shotgun

Generally i'm thinking of moving info on each weapon/monster/special level into such table - each with own subpage, while leaving main pages with only general info (perhaps the comment shall stay on amin page, and only technical data will remain in table? undecided yet). Also i'm planning on broadening data - adding full ASCII maps to special level pages (yep, i'm that crazy) and gathering hp/damage data about monsters...

So tell me what do you think should be changed in the table (colors... yeah, I know colors could be better)
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2006, 05:13 »

Oooookaaaay... a few things

First - people who want to submit material to wiki now need to re-register and it is mandatory to give a valid e-mail adres for the confirmation e-mail

Sacond - some data I managed to squeeze out of Kornel some time ago:

1. Walls of BFG room at Halls of Carnage are indestrictible (this is for those afraid to use rockets there like me ^^)
2. A list of what monster has what armor:
Code: [Select]
All humans except former commando - 0 (unless they wear one)
former commando - 2
"pinky" and caco demon - 1
hell knight - 1
baron of hell - 2
pain elemental - 1
arachnotron - 2
Cyberdemon - 4
AoD - 10 (sic!)
JC - 5
3. pinky demon has 22 hp (with that and armor data I think we can owrk out other monsters HP - just remember to safekeep beta 4 as beta 5 no longer diplays damage on melee hit. Also note that damage displayed was before armor reduction)
4. I asked do any weapons have any "to hit" mods (I think everyone wonders if chainguns are really inaccuarate. Kornel didn't knew himself because of messy weapon code but he gave some weapon data for us - perhaps someone can work it out
Code: [Select]
createitem(12, "chaingun" ,"chaingun" ,"m", RED ,5 ,60, 1,50,50,1,6,0,5,0,5,0,25,10,9)
createitem(13, "plasma rifle" ,"plasma" ,"m", CYAN ,12,90, 4,40,40,1,8,0,6,0,8,0,20,10,10)
createitem(8 , "double shotgun" ,"dshotgun" ,"m", WHITE ,4 ,80, 2,2,2,6,3,0,3,0,1,0,20,10,7)15:23:41
createitem(4 , "pistol" ,"pistol" ,"m", LIGHTGRAY ,1 ,50, 1,6,6,2,4,0,1,0,0,0,12,10,5)
6. Confirmations on some special level messages:
Excited = vault on level
You feel a breeze of morbid air.../You sense a passage to a place beyond.../You shiver from cold... = all those seem to indicate passages to special levels (randomized which one is displayed
7. Formula for berserk trait (it has also been confirmed that berserk sppeds up all actions by ~40%)
Code: [Select]
if Traits[TraitBerserker] > 0 then
if Damage > 8 then
if Random(100) < (Damage div 5)+Traits[TraitBerserker]*4 then
Msg.Add('You''re going berserk!');
Tactic := TacticAgressive;

Damage = Damage dealt by player
8. knockback formula
Code: [Select]
if (dmg >= KnockBackValue) then Knockback(ax,ay,CreateRoundDir(ecx,ecy,ax,ay),dmg div KnockBackValue);

KnockBackValue = 7 or 8, Kornel didn't remember
9. Nightmare mode is now unlocked a rank AFTER lieutenant (that means lieutenant unlocks only angel of light travel)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 05:18 by Malek »
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Wiki: Reactivation
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2006, 10:43 »

Okay, just one thing for you, figure it out for yourself:
Kornel Kisielewicz 18:19:43
No, I don't know anything more...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 11:09 by Kornel Kisielewicz »
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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