"Statement: I have been scanning the field for lifeboat beacons and message pods since we arrived, captain. Bringing results up to primary display now."
The scanner display took a side seat for the time being as the holographic display switched to plain text showing up at a casual pace. Apparently your AI had a taste for suspense.
+++ Fleet Carrier Cavanagh, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Fleet Carrier Andur, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Escort Carrier Hauberkan, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Battleship Kero, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Strike Cruiser Arhus 3, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Strike Cruiser Juno 12, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Strike Cruiser Juno 15, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Strike Cruiser Kalmar 9, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Strike Cruiser Andross 2, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Strike Cruiser Reno 4, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Destroyer Cherbourg-214, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Destroyer Cherbourg-215, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Destroyer Cherbourg-219, 2nd Fleet +++
+++ Destroyer Kiel-801, 2nd Fleet +++
"Statement: Cross-referencing with missing ship list confirms matches of primary objectives: carriers Cavanagh, Andur, Hauberkan, Kero, as well as secondary objectives of the carriers' escort ship complement. The super-capital ship is not listed in the mission parameters. Structural analysis: 2nd Fleet ships have suffered superstructure damage ranging from critical to catastrophic. Probability of locating survivors: 0.092%. Structural analysis: the super-capital ship superstructure appears stable, though weakened. Deeper scans are proving problematic, but suggest a bunker-type structure deeper within the main body of the super-capital. Scanner analysis: The debris field is littered with minor power signatures, I am also detecting a minor one from the super-capital. Unable to locate any life signs. Prospecting analysis: The collected value of the salvage present exceeds the yearly budget of the average Federation industrial world. If the captain will allow such a colourful comparison. Statement: I do not detect any other ships in the vicinity, nor any salvage claim beacons."