first of all-thanks to everyone who has been involved in the making of this game-it's really amazing how turn-based Doom can exist,and still be fun to play.
That's also the first Roguelike game,where I was able to win(previously I was struggling through Nethack for roughly four years).DoomRL also has many small details,which make it more than just bland "kill'em all".
To the point:
I suceeded at nuking Spider Mastermind,(that was my 28 charaster),unlocked some of those veery interesting challeng-games,and decided to try Angel of Marksmanship(I simply love movies and games where protagonist is armed with dual-pistols-Max Payne,Matrix,Equilibrium,Hard Boiled and so on =)).I was afraid to run out of ammo,or that pistols will be to weak to rely on them constantly.Surprisingly for me,even standard pistols backed up by Gankata ability and others,which I acqured to get it,were a formidable weapon,and I had little problems shooting everything that was moving.More than that-very few enemies could even retaliate before diying under rain of steel.But then I reached Cyberdemon,and died in,like,five seconds...
is it even possible to kill him,using standart pistols(enchanced to have bigger clip-size),duelist armor,and a couple of large medpacks?
My biggest mistake was that I didn't attend to any special levels,except of Hell's Armoury.I was too uncofident,and in the end my poor equipment was a fatal factor.But still-I was able to kill Cyberdemon previously,going all-out,using BFG,enchanced shotgun,rocketlauncher, and two red armours-with all of that my charaster was on the verge of death,while at last killed that sob.And how do I supposed to handle it with pistols alone?
I'm sorry for my horrible english,hope that I didn't made too much mistakes.