Event description: Tactical shotgun was empty, shell box had 3 rounds left while I had loose shells inside inventory, full reload crashes the game.
Timestamp : 12/7/2011 14:56:36
Error level : CRITICAL
Message : Player action exception!
Error message : Access violation
Timestamp : 12/7/2011 14:56:38
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004810AD :
Exception : cannot resume non-suspended coroutine
$004810AD TLUACONFIG__RESUME, line 107 of d:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluaconfig.pas
$00488609 TPLAYER__AICONTROL, line 1083 of src/dfplayer.pas
$0049DE07 TBEING__ACTION, line 649 of src/dfbeing.pas
$0049DF6C TBEING__CALL, line 675 of src/dfbeing.pas
$0041E70A TDOOM__RUN, line 444 of src/doombase.pas
$004022CA main, line 91 of src/doomrl.pas