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Author Topic: New Traits  (Read 68111 times)


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #105 on: May 04, 2007, 11:40 »

I'm making a difference! Woo!

Two more:

Stalker (I'm pretty sure the idea of some "sneaky" trait has been presented several times. Let's see if my suggestion is any different to those):
Requires: 2 for Hellrunner
Enemies can't see you if there's anything bigger directly next to you, i.e. you'll be invisible to them if you're next to a wall, a barrel, or a monster - in the last case, though, the particular enemy can see you. If you attack an enemy or do anything hostile, they will be able to see you, until you either move or wait. Picking up items, reloading weapons, and such are allowed while remaining hidden.

Requires: 2 for Ironman, 1 for Tough as Nails
You can fix armors over time, i.e. they will regenerate, about as fast as your extra life decays while having Badass on the first level. Second level on this trait will increase the regeneration rate, as well as increase the general HP of all armors by 10%. Third level, while further speeding the regeneration, will also make it so that the armor will always give at least 1 armor point, no matter how damaged they are.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #106 on: May 04, 2007, 13:29 »

Stealth is considered way too undoomish. Yes, there's invisibility in the Doom universe, but the moment you introduce a sneaking skill, everyone'll be going ninja. In this game, the idea's that what can't be solved with force isn't solved with guile - it's solved with more force :)

Regeneration has been dicussed thoroughly and is considered, for the most part, too risky to implement. Armour regeneration's not much different. Other than that, there's already TaN, which is a promised additional AC point at all times per rank. I agree that there's no reason not to have a skill which gives bonuses for using armour, as there are skill which give bonuses for using specific weapons, but it'd have to be less straight forward, like allowing armour to reduce damage taken to 0, which would of course end once your armour is destroyed. But also that's a major balance risk.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #107 on: May 05, 2007, 09:19 »

Okay, how 'bout this?

Requires: 2 for Brute, 3 for Son of a Bitch, 2 for Hellrunner
Transforms you permanently into an Arch-Vile. This'd mean +20 to HP, +2 to armor, pretty big bonuses for speed and melee damage (dunno the exact amount), and the ability to fire those flame pillar thingies if you're unarmed. The player's simply become such a demonic bastard during his adventures that he literally turns into a demon himself.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #108 on: May 05, 2007, 09:50 »

Can't seem to find it right now, but the idea of playing as a demon has been discussed thoroughly. AFAIR it was mostly well accepted, and I perosnally really liked the idea. Problem is that making it a standard trait (even one with major requirements) means introducing a MAJOR balance risk, as balancing both the normal game and this easily accessible, effective total conversion, means balancing on two fronts, which is both difficult and undesireable. Not to mention that this trait goes against the mentality of the rest of the game, especially the original.

The way I'd like to see things happen, such a game, with the player as a member of the forces of hell, will be either a type of challenge or, more likely, an unlockable bonus feature or separate branch game (and unless Kornel programs the branch too, it will require someone else with access to the source code, which AFAIK is currently no-one).


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #109 on: May 05, 2007, 14:12 »

One more for the show!

Modsoul: (Find the reference!)
Requires: 3 for Whizkid
Allows you to apply mods on yourself. These will take effect with whatever weapon you're using. You can fit 8 mods at maximum on your body.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #110 on: May 07, 2007, 07:42 »

That will lead to most other traits becoming redundant, even with this as a master trait, as using speed+damage on yourself will make the Triggerhappy path pointless (especially considering you already have Finesse(2) to go with the speed mods) and reload+speed mods'll make the Shottyman path almost uselss (the combination will make firing, reloading and then moving to dodge shots possible with some calculations and anticipation).

Unless, of course, you mean the mods will improve you otherwise, like by improving melee skills. But in that case I think making CSs moddable's a better idea, considering that putting 3+1 levels into traits just to make you improve your melee skill's non-worthwhile.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #111 on: May 07, 2007, 09:07 »

Well now that you mention it, they could have different effects on your body. Like:

Speed mod ---> Adds movement speed
Reload mod ---> Healing powers - med packs, globes, meditech depots - become more powerful
Magazine mod ---> Allows to carry more ammo, like a mini-backpack
Damage mod ---> Durr... Dunno.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #112 on: May 07, 2007, 11:46 »

Three more Master Traits:

Requires: 2 for Hellrunner, 2 for Finesse, 2 for Reloader
Everything, and I mean everything, is done 15% faster.

Requires: 3 for Eagle Eye, 2 for Inituition, 2 for Son of a Bitch
Allows the player to find weak points of an enemy, and thus commit "critical hits". All attacks do +3 damage, and have an additional 50% chance of doing double damage.

Requires: Level 8
Picks two random traits or advanced traits and adds maximum points on them. Won't pick any traits the player has himself added any points to.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #113 on: May 07, 2007, 15:32 »

Joker could be fun if you switched it to one trait.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: New Traits
« Reply #114 on: May 08, 2007, 05:33 »

Modsoul is from Bleach! ;].
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #115 on: May 08, 2007, 05:56 »

Score to Kornel!

Like 'em?


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #116 on: May 08, 2007, 09:16 »

Well now that you mention it, they could have different effects on your body. Like:

Speed mod ---> Adds movement speed
Reload mod ---> Healing powers - med packs, globes, meditech depots - become more powerful
Magazine mod ---> Allows to carry more ammo, like a mini-backpack
Damage mod ---> Durr... Dunno.

Speed'd then make Hellrunner obsolete. Reload and magazine sound good with proper balance. Damage could be warped entirely, causing permanent damage to you and reducing maximum monster health by a certain amount, for the rest of the game. In other words, it damages literally, both you and everyone else.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #117 on: May 08, 2007, 19:03 »

Yeah, but plugging gun parts into yourself seems a little silly.  Why not just make some advanced traits for improved healing and more ammo storage?


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #118 on: May 09, 2007, 06:18 »

Unless we change "modsoul" to "cybermarine", up and ready to fight the Cyberdemon :P
But I do think this is a little risky when it comes to "doomishness".


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #119 on: December 26, 2007, 02:02 »

just an idea

maybe scrooge reloader

you found a way to salvage every scrape of ammo

basically you can reload even when you dont have any ammo for the gun in your inventory at the cost of 1% of your health for bullets - cost is per bullet (10% for rockets)

sorry if i am necroing the topic
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