Everything about the graphic version is great... except the abscence of map. Real map, not a minimap. You see, before, you could look at your screen and see every item, every corpse, everything, and easilly comprehend where is it located, how do you get there (especially if the land is flooded in an erratic pattern with hazardous liquid), etc. I never played "timed" runs like that "every level has a nuke" since i hate time limits but i think that mode would be completely unplayable in the current graphical version.
This is indeed supreme and very cool to have, this graphics version, and playing the game became much more fun (i'm just loving the way the game looks now), but we need some way to see the level as we could before (meaning, whole level is on screen and every unit/item/tile is represented by an easilly comprehendable symbol, like a letter).
Right now, the minimap is of little use if any! I tried setting it to a bigger size and it honestly isnt helping much. It has two unsolvable flaws as it is now
- its transparent;
- it can only have a dot for an object.
This yeilds - for example, i cannot see what kind of ammunition is left on the level and where, since that dark blue dot that is supposed to stand for ammunition is just not visible on the map if that part of the map isnt over a bright tile (and it usually isnt since all tiles player doesnt see are dark).
Doom had a map and you could even play in map-mode (could move, shoot, etc). I think DoomRL could have something like that, like, a graphical ascii-like mode that can be triggered on-the-fly?
Still, great release that i'm loving ALOT, big thanks!!!