Yeah, condensing the multi-shot bursts into one line would be good. Instead of like 4 iterations of "The missile hits the former commando" in a row, it could be worked down to "The burst hits" or "Most of the burst hits" or "The entire burst goes wild" or something. That way people firing a billion shots aren't so worried about it; do you really need to know EXACTLY how many bullets hit, or just that some of it hit and the monster is/isn't dead yet? And condensing lines for shotguns and rockets into things like "The former human, former human, and former sergeant are hit" would knock that down a little bit.
It would all take a bit more effort juggling and tracking what's going on during the player's attacks to deliver most of it in a sentence instead of individual lines, but it would cut down on multiline issues for people that are bothered by the (more) prompt.
Also, it would provide room for more descriptions, which I really want. =B