Suddenly plenty of Elites and Stalkers attacked me in already (though partly) discovered sector. I used inc grenade first but that didn't help me much because of quantity and quality of the enemy. After that I blew up frag grenade but it was not enough also. Finally I understood that there are only two ways out - die horribly and die horribly with taking those bastards with me into the depths of hell. Well... To be honest I hoped that krak grenade wouldn't scrape me but it did.
What I noticed is extremely rarity of sawed-off shotgun and colt. I only found one sawed-off shotgun (but decided not to take it because of low penetration rate) and no colts at all. I think that these two weapons should appear more often. Now I play as HW and I have really big problems with ammo sometimes. Sawed-off shotgun or usual shotgun (primary weapon I mean) would help me but I can't find them yet.
I must admit that 5.56 weapons is a great addition into the game. FN SCAR really helps much at the beginning. And it is a great step forward to compare with previous versions of the game there you experienced ammo lack all the time but in the very beginning.
-- AliensRL 0.8.2 Post Mortem ----------------------------------------
Name : drugon
Class : Scout
Rank : Experienced
Result : killed in action
Died on : Main Tower, level 5
Score : 5180
Total experience : 6720
Experience left : 320
Game length : 164281 turns
Security keycards : 0
Military keys : 0
Armor : Flak armor [2]
Sidearm : M4A3 pistol (8/12)
Primary : H&K G36 rifle (reload)
Medpacks: 0
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : master
Light weapons : untrained
Heavy weapons : untrained
Technical : untrained
Medicine : untrained
Fitness : untrained
Perception : untrained
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 125/400
5.56 ammo : 279/400
.44 ammo : 150/150
M309 ammo : 168/500
M250 ammo : 0/500
60mm gren. : 0/40
12g. shells : 200/200
napalm cartrid: 8/20
frag grenade : 2/3
inc grenade : 2/3
krak grenade : 2/3
-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------
10 * multi-tool
4 * armor pack
5 * painkiller pack
5 * stimpack
1 * sentry turret kit
-- Kills (415) -------------------------------------------------------
146 juveniles
55 warriors
3 elites
53 scavengers
56 hunters
3 stalkers
83 drones
16 workers
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
Your weapon is empty!
You let go of your weapon and grab
the sidearm!
You heavily hit the elite! The elite
slashes you! The elite dies.
You heavily hit the elite! The elite
shreds you!
You perfectly hit the elite! The
elite slashes you! The elite dies.
The elite slashes you!
You heavily hit the elite! The elite
slashes you! The elite shreds you!
You die. Press < Enter >... The stalker
dies. The elite dies.