I suppose I might as well put this in the same thread. :)
I did better this time, taking a more balanced approach to my stats and focusing more on running to get into a better position, rather than any fancy special attacks. It helped a lot in terms of avoiding damage and I didn't have to heal myself at all and had built up a collection of 5 Fairy Dusts!
In the end, I died because I got greedy... I had just encountered a wraith, a new enemy I hadn't seen before, and it appeared to be raising all the corpses (that I had created) ;) into an undead army of skeletons and a well placed bomb dispatched 13 of them simultaneously! At that point, a demon was bearing down on me, two tiles away, and I knew from experience that he was probably about to charge and do massive damage and that I should probably heal myself... but I couldn't resist shooting a nearby imp to continue my killing streak instead. :P It probably wasn't worth dying for, but 14 kills is now my new record! :D
In other news, I finally figured out how the berserking mechanic works... It seems that my health bar starts out entirely light red, and gradually changes dark red over time, from one end to the other. When the dark red part passes my current level of hitpoints, I go berserk, and then it continues changing until all of it is dark red and then the berserk wears off. So, there's a bit of a trade-off; if my health is low at the time I'm berserk, it lasts a lot longer, but I'm closer to death; if I'm able to keep my health up, I'll be a lot safer when I finally go berserk, but it will last a very short time. I'll have to play around with that to figure out what works best.
-- Berserk! (0.8.5 ) Post Mortem -------------------------------------
Character name : Tormuse
Game type : Endless
Nights survived : 4
Monsters killed : 326
STR: 12 DEX: 13 END: 12 WIL: 11
Speed: 108 HP: -10/110 EN: 59/115
Base damage: 1d6+7 Weight: 12
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------
Cannon (0/3) Crossbow (6/45) Knives (10) Bombs (4) FairyDust (5)
-- Kills (326) -------------------------------------------------------
3 demons
221 beasts
12 mandagores
25 imps
4 phasehounds
20 skeletons
38 scavengers
1 treespirit
2 treants
-- Skills (4) --------------------------------------------------------
Running (level 2)
Sweep attack (level 2)
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
You're hit!
13 kills!
Choose target, f to
You hit the imp!
You hit the imp!
The imp dies!
The TurHee charges!
The TurHee hits you!
You die!...
Press <Enter>
-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------
Max kills in one turn : 13
Longest killing sequence : 14 kills in 0 turns.
Survived for : 1384 turns
Died on : Bridge
Reason of death : killed by a demon