So I picked this game up again the other day, after not having played it in a while. Tons of nice new features since I last played! :o After a bunch of games, (playing at Hard mode, 'cause that's how I roll) :) I finally cleared Callisto Anomaly for the first time, though I used up all my med kits doing it, and it made me susceptible to a couple of Security Bots on the next level. :P (It didn't help that I never found any armour in the whole game) :| This game's got some real challenge to it now; I wonder what Ultraviolence difficulty will be like. :)
Also, I have no idea if I notated the subject line correctly; I figured I should include the version number, difficulty level, class, and highest character level reached. There's no kill count percentage in the mortem and the "dungeon" levels are organized weirdly, so I didn't know what to include in the line. Speaking of the mortem, it's kind of neat that the game automatically copies it into clipboard. How convenient. :)
Tormuse, level 5 Marine, killed on
Valhalla Spaceport by a security bot.
He survived for 2921 turns.
The run time was 47m 49s.
He scored 876 points.
He liked it HARD!
CALLISTO L2 -> Callisto Mines L1
Callisto Mines L3 -> Callisto Anomaly
Callisto Anomaly - cleared
Anomaly Bronze Badge
* Clear Callisto Anomaly
Anomaly Silver Badge
* Clear Callisto Anomaly on HARD or higher
He killed 101 out of 123 enemies.
2 security bots
3 exalted fiends
3 former commandos
10 former sergeants
6 security drones
7 former grunts
20 former guards
20 fiends
5 former soldiers
8 archreavers
1 military drone
16 fire fiends
Skilled L2
Reloader L2
Slot #1 : ADV 9mm SMG A
Slot #2 : ADV 12ga shotgun
Slot #3 : .44 hunter rifle
Body : - NONE -
Utility : ADV shotgun damage amp
12ga shell (x50)
12ga shell (x24)
7.62 ammo (x100)
.44 ammo (x49)
9mm ammo (x100)
9mm ammo (x100)
9mm ammo (x21)
power mod pack
repair kit (x1)
I also have a few playtesting notes to share. Is this a good place to share them?