Thanks. To clvl 19, trying to find out the max clvl and because every trait counts on N!, and because past clvl 14 theres no practical way to reach higher without xpscumming, even if you killed everything on the way down, the xp gap between levels is that high (and to reach clvl 20, it appears you need to kill approx. 10,000 demons, or gain approx 1,000,000 xp. I thought it was impossible but I ended the game with 19/1%).
I know for certain if I had taken clvl18, or clvl17 with no SoaG, I would have died around dlvl 20, so am very glad I went all the way to clvl19 (but regretted SoaG all that way and all the way through to dlvl 26 lol). There are some very risky situations that can occur in N! that are unavoidable, such as being surrounded by a horde of AV's, and self-resurrecting A's, B's and Pain O's, or having them between you and the stairs. This is compounded by the fact, that on most levels you have no idea where the stairs even are, the only certainty is on almost each level theres approx. 50 high level monsters out for your blood. Also surprisingly ammo can be very problematic, a lot of it gets blown up by rockets and demons and you can't search the level for it because Barons and Arachs will constantly ressurect and take up more of your ammo. If Computer Mapper was a trait, it would help greatly on N! Maybe its included in Int 3 in the beta, I wouldn't know, I know the red dot thing is being nerfed.
I did find a rapid pistol, but wasn't so certain of even being able to reach dlvl 25 to try and take on CD/JC with it, so discarded it for more practical ammo.
I don't think Kill ratios are really important. No doubt Blades is the better win. Its almost N! without weapon use past dlvl 2, thats practically N! with fists or less, and no Cateye or Intuition either (so played practically blind as far as N! is concerned). Thats sounds so difficult I'll probably never attempt or succeed with that. I'll be happy if I can just complete AoMr, AoP, AoB, AoH and AoMs challenges.
One other thing about this N! run. Berserk mode or Invincibility, plus Int 2, don't mix well, every powerup becomes bright red or black respectively. I don't know whether it should be this way or not, but it certainly makes N! a lot harder, because what you hope is a Computer Map, Supercharge, Berserk or Invincibility can turn out to be a Small Health Globe, and frequently is (or an Armour Shard when your Armor is good) and thats precious Berserk/Invincibility time wasted right there.