Actually, it's missing a line, now that I can read it without falling off my chair.
in between "and deliver us from Archviles" and "Amen" should be a take off "For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever."
My submission: "For thine is the Roguelike, the DoomGuy, and the Demons forever."
Since English is my first language, I cleaned up the English version so that it more closely resembles that version of the same Prayer. Here it is:
Our RNG in code,
Hallowed be your seed.
Your RandomMap come,
Your generation be done,
On DoomRL, as it is in ADOM.
Give us this day our daily double shotgun,
And forgive us our saves,
As we forgive those who YASD.
Save us from trial of Mortuary,
And deliver us from Arch-Viles.
For thine is the Roguelike,
The DoomGuy, and the Demons forever.
Okay, I've been sitting here trying to remember the original prayer, this is what I remember:
Our Lord in Heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from Evil.
For thine is the Kingdom,
The Power, and the Glory forever.
So the prayer should look like:
Our RNG in code,
Hallowed be your seed.
Your RandomMap come,
Your generation be done,
On DoomRL, as it is in ADOM.
Give us this day our daily double shotgun,
And forgive us our saves,
As we forgive those who YASD.
Lead us not into the Mortuary,
But deliver us from Arch-Viles.
For thine is the Roguelike,
The DoomGuy, and the Demons forever.
Anyone who is offended by the prayer I posted, apologies. But at least I put it in spoiler tags. :)
A final Edit, because it's a Roguelike, not a Rougelike. :(