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Author Topic: Weapons & some other stuff - analysis (formerly known as Shotgun study)  (Read 6735 times)

Malek Deneith

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Below I present collection of info about shotguns, that I collected by mix of in-game research and squeezing Kornel like a lemon. It's not much but should shed some light into shotguns spread/damage workings. (Note that this info is true only for newest beta and above - in previous versions CShotgun and DShotgun will differ)

The guide will be now updated to incorporate info on all weapons, not just shotguns. As before the info is correct for newest betas only.

Attack speed
Since all weapons share the same base fireing speed of 1 second I decided to put it all in one table at beggining, rather than repeating it every weapon. Unless some weapons prove to react diffrently to speed mods or rapid enchancment it'll stay here. Also note that Berserk does affect you attack speed and move speed even though it isn't displayed in the data - Kornel confirmed this.

Code: [Select]
             n/a  S1   S2   S3  Rapid
Normal      1.00 0.90 0.81 0.72 0.80
Finesse(1)  0.90 0.81 0.72 0.65 0.72
Finesse(2)  0.80 0.72 0.64 0.58 0.64

With Son of a Gun(1)

             n/a  S1   S2   S3  Rapid
Normal      0.80 0.72 0.64 0.58 0.64
Finesse(1)  0.72 0.64 0.58 0.52 0.57
Finesse(2)  0.64 0.57 0.51 0.46 0.51

With Son of a Gun(2)

             n/a  S1   S2   S3  Rapid
Normal      0.60 0.54 0.48 0.43 0.48
Finesse(1)  0.54 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.43
Finesse(2)  0.48 0.43 0.38 0.34 0.38

With Son of a Gun(3)

             n/a  S1   S2   S3  Rapid
Normal      0.40 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.32
Finesse(1)  0.36 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.28
Finesse(2)  0.32 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.25

Accuracy mods seem to always add 1 point to accuracy, Eagle Eye adds 2 points per level. For every 3 spaces of distance accuracy drops by 1. The (known) chances for hitting enemy are:
Code: [Select]
Mod Chance
=>+6 98%
  +5 95%
  +4 91%
  +3 84%
  +2 74%
  +1 62%
   0 50%
  -1 38%
  -2 26%
  -3 16%
  -4 9%
  -5 5%
  -6 2%
=<-7 1%

Damage mods
They always add to the bigger number of weapons damage die.



Damage: 1-3 (2 average)

Accuracy: +0? (melee weapons don't have accuracy listed, and Kornel said that the character info doesn't list melee accuracy)

Weapon analysis: Fists are "teh suck". No seriously, they might get you out of first level, but if you play melee, and don't find a knife soon afterwards you're screwed. Moving right along...


Damage: 2-10 (6 average)

Accuracy: +0? (melee weapons don't have accuracy listed, and Kornel said that the character info doesn't list melee accuracy)

Weapon analysis: Now that's better. Knife was pretty weak in the past, but with new improved damage it might be good for a while. Use it till chained courts, than dispose of it, unless you are in for a challenge...


Damage: 2-8 (5 average)

Accuracy: +4

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      1.20 0.72 0.43 0.25 0.60
Reloader(1) 0.96 0.57 0.34 0.20 0.46
Reloader(2) 0.72 0.43 0.25 0.15 0.36
Reloader(3) 0.48 0.28 0.17 0.10 0.24

Special reload: Dualgunner only. Reloads both guns at once, time is equal to the sum of reload times of the pistols you have in hands.

Code: [Select]
n/a M1 M2 M3 Extended
 6   8 10 13 9

Weapon analysis: By itself pistol is a weak weapon - it can help you first few levels, but will become less helpfull when stronger enemies start appearing. But if you invest in Son of a Gun and Dualgunner you will start wrecking nice mayhem. Just remember to take Whizkid after those - you'll need those magazine mods AND damage mods (Cyberdemon has heavy armor and tons of HP, so you'll need to deal damage fast and have as large clip as you can).


Spread: Not as wide as Double Shotgun, but still covers quite an area.
Code: [Select]

Listed damage: 6 -18 (12 average)

Actual point-blank damage: 6-17 (11.5 average)

Actual damage at end of the cone: 0 (sic!)

Accuracy: +0 (shotguns don't benefit or suffer from accuracy so this is redundant)

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      1.40 1.12 0.89 0.71 0.98
Reloader(1) 1.12 0.89 0.71 0.57 0.78
Reloader(2) 0.84 0.67 0.53 0.43 0.58
Reloader(3) 0.56 0.44 0.35 0.28 0.39

Magazine: 1 (always, no mods apply)

Weapon analysis: Normal Shotgun isn't bad at start, but it gets ugly pretty fast. In fact while it has listed damage of 15 spaces, it does no damage beyond 13th space - even with 3 damage mods and 3 levels of SoaB it won't deal damage on 15th space, thoguh it is possible to extend actual range to 14 spaces by using 2 damage mods and 2 levels of SoaB or just 3 damage mods (though it will be pathetic 0-1 damage). It reloads a bit slower than pistol, but not as slow as it might seem - the problem is that you have reload each shot...

Combat Shotgun

Spread: Very thin spread cone for a shotgun - in fact it takes 4 spaces before it actually spreads!
Code: [Select]

Listed damage: 6 -18 (12 average)

Actual point-blank damage: 6-17 (11.5 average)

Actual damage at end of the cone: 2-5 (3.5 average)

Accuracy: +0 (shotguns don't benefit or suffer from accuracy so this is redundant)

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      0.70 0.56 0.44 0.35 0.49
Reloader(1) 0.56 0.44 0.35 0.28 0.39
Reloader(2) 0.42 0.33 0.26 0.21 0.29
Reloader(3) 0.28 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.19

Special reload: Loads all missing shells to magazine. It takes exactly same amount time as it does doing it manually, so unless you already cleared the level don't be lazy and do it manually - it might save you a bullet in the head.

Code: [Select]
n/a M1 M2 M3 Extended
 5   6  8 10 8

Weapon analysis: While initial damage is the same as for normal Shotgun, the detoriation is much lesser - CShotgun still keeps about half of his power at range of 10-11 spaces. Coupled with thinner spread this weapon becomes "shotgun of choice" when it comes to sniping enemies on close to mid range. Interesting thing about CShotgun is the fact that it has fastest raload speed of all weapons (at least base reload speed - if we facture in reload mod and reloader Pistol will win by a margin). In fact, Shottyman and combat-pump will probably slow it down even if coupled with Hellrunner - even more so due to "armor weights" that got implemented sadly. Still the redeeming benefit of move increasing your dodge chance so move-reloading still is probably more usefull. Just remember that if you get stuck in "no dodge" situation that it might be better to stand still and unleash volley of death.

Double Shotgun

Spread: Short cone which gains width quickly.
Code: [Select]

Listed damage: 18 -54 (36 average)

Actual point-blank damage: 15-48 (31.5 average)

Actual damage at end of the cone: 6-15 (10.5 average)

Accuracy: +0 (shotguns don't benefit or suffer from accuracy so this is redundant)

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      2.00 1.60 1.28 1.02 1.40
Reloader(1) 1.60 1.28 1.02 0.81 1.12
Reloader(2) 1.20 0.96 0.76 0.61 0.84
Reloader(3) 0.80 0.64 0.51 0.40 0.56

Special reload: Loads one shell at a time. No info on time taken. If fired with only one shell the double shotgun will deal only 6d3 damage.

Magazine: 2 (always, no mods apply)

Weapon analysis: Beast. That's right DShotgun is a real Beast when it comes to raw firepower. At point blank it outdamages Rocket Launcher even after taking the double damaging effect that Kornle mentioned today, and almost matches BFG's average listed damage. Of course the damage detoriates VERY quickly, but it still can kick quite hard when it comes to unarmored targets even at maximum distance (Why am I talking about unarmored targets? Read further). One thing that I suppose most people don't catch is the fact that the (6d3)x3 damage listed doesn't mean you get the damage tripled - it means that DShotgun actually fires THREE SEPARATE TIMES. This has it's ups and downs - the good thing is that such type of damage dealing tend's up to bias towards average results, and the fact that we get TRIPPLE the benefit of SoaB - with maxed SoaB and three damage mods DShotgun deals 33-81 damage at point blank, averaging 57 damage - only four points short of BFG's damage under same circumstances. The flip side of this is that we also get armor applied three times - but hey with full powered DShotgun even Cyberdemon won't stand more than 4-5 close-up shots, so who cares :) The bad side is that it reloads slowly - it is tied for slowest reload time with BFG and Plasma Rifle. So do yourself a favor and either go shottyman, or stuff it with reload mods.


Damage: 1-6 per bullet, 5 bullets shot (3.5 average per bullet)

Accuracy: +2

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      2.50 1.50 0.90 0.54 1.25
Reloader(1) 2.00 1.20 0.72 0.43 0.75
Reloader(2) 1.50 0.90 0.54 0.32 0.45
Reloader(3) 1.00 0.60 0.36 0.21 0.27

Code: [Select]
n/a M1 M2  M3 Extended
 50 65 84 109 75

Weapon analysis: Ahh, chaingun, the weapon of chice of many people. Surprisingly enough it doesn't deal that much damage per hit - perhaps it waas due to SoaB+TH combo that it got so deadly. Well TH got downgraded and chaingun got an accuracy hit, so it should work out better now. Still a chaingun is a good weapon that can help you throught most of the game - just remember to bring lots and lots of ammo with you, as it eats it as child eats candy. Oh, and remember - chaingun is THE slowest reloading weapon in game (at least base speed - since shotguns benefit less from mods, it quickly outdoes DShotgun if modded), slower even than DShotgun. I'd seriously consider applying an reload mode to it - it seems to work better than magazine mod.

Rocket Launcher

Explosion: ??

Listed damage: 6 -36 (21 average)

Actual damage at place of explosion: ??

Actual damage at end of the explosion: ??

Accuracy: +4 (Needs confrimation)

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      1.50 0.90 0.54 0.32 0.75
Reloader(1) 1.20 0.72 0.43 0.25 0.60
Reloader(2) 0.90 0.54 0.32 0.19 0.45
Reloader(3) 0.60 0.36 0.21 0.12 0.30

Magazine: 1 (always, no mods apply)

Weapon analysis: A double-edged sword, this weapon has considerable damage, good accuracy and quite fast reload speed; but also threatens the user with it's large blast that can destroy needed equipment or hurt the user if used carelessly. So unles you are one of those people who would burn the hell down to a last rock without blinking an eye if given enought rockets, use it carefully - it will be a great help in many places, but there are situations wher it is better left lying on the bottom of your pack.

Plasma Rifle

Damage: 1-8 per blast, 8 blasts shot (4.5 average per blast)

Accuracy: +1

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      2.00 1.20 0.72 0.43 1.00
Reloader(1) 1.60 0.96 0.57 0.34 0.80
Reloader(2) 1.20 0.72 0.43 0.25 0.60
Reloader(3) 0.80 0.48 0.26 0.17 0.40

Special reload - Overcharges the weapon, making it fire all 40 shots in one go, but destroying it in the process. The usability of this mode is questionable because of the weapons accuracy - anyone cares to discuss this? Also info needed on what happens when fireing overcharged PR that was modded with magazine mods.

Code: [Select]
n/a M1 M2 M3 Extended
 40 52 67 87 60

Weapon analysis: The souped-up chaingun that works on rare ammo. The gun that could miss a broad side of a barn from 5 feet distance. And probably one of better weapons to have with you when fighting Barons of Hell and Arachnotrons in one-on-one situations or "whole bunch but no way to rocket them at once" situations. Just do yourself a favor and stick some accuracy mods on it. Usability against cybie himself is questionable - better get yourself SoaB(3) and some damage mods before trying that.

BFG 9000

Explosion: ??

Listed damage: 10 -80 (45 average)

Actual damage at place of explosion: ??

Actual damage at end of the explosion: ??

Accuracy: ??

Reload speed:
Code: [Select]
             n/a  R1   R2   R3  Fastload
Normal      2.00 1.20 0.72 0.43 1.00
Reloader(1) 1.60 0.96 0.57 0.34 0.80
Reloader(2) 1.20 0.72 0.43 0.25 0.60
Reloader(3) 0.80 0.48 0.26 0.17 0.40

Special reload: Overcharges making the blast much larger (somewhere around 1/3 of the map), but melts the gun in the process. CURRENTLY THERE IS NO EFFECT OTHER THAN THAT!! !! !! So don't use it, as it is a waste of BFG, untill Kornel fixes that - the planned fix is to increase damage on overcherge.

Code: [Select]
n/a  M1  M2  M3 Extended
100 130 169 219 150

Weapon analysis: The Big Gun... Big FUCKING Gun to be precise. When situation looks grim pull this baby out and watch the odds change in your favor. Just remember to have a good supply of cells with you. The interesting facts are that the user seems to be immune to blasts he himself fires, and that BFG blasts seem to do little to damage to items on ground and walls. The bad side is that it reloads slowly, and it has pretty unituitive magazine size of 100, while it uses 40 cells to fire. The "explosions" of enemies caught in the blast seem to be a purely visual effect.

Warning! Don't read stuff below if you don't want to spoil some secret stuff!

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In attachment I put an excel sheet for calculating damage over range for shotguns - have fun (I added compability to include enemy armor in calculations, though I'm not sure did I apply it right - I assumed it's applied after distance reduction, which is worse for shotguns).
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 11:43 by Malek Deneith »
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Re: Shotgun study
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2007, 13:37 »

And this all was based on my suggestion! *Gloats* Back on always using shotguns!

Edit: Also back then I had no idea what effect SoaB would have on the double shotty... So gonna put some points in it after Shottyman from now on.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 13:40 by Potman »

Malek Deneith

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Ker-BUMP! The guide god modified - now it incorporates all data gathered thanks to new character display, some datqa squeezed out of Kornel, and it goes for all weapons now. Still there are things missing so comment, and post all your findings. Also should I include Unique weapons in spoiler tags, and after the official release? You decide.
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Are these calculations of DS damage okay? I've tried playing with shotguns just now (trying to do Angel of Light Travel with only one weapon picked to conserve slots, this time I picked combat shotgun -> double shotgun), and from my experiences, the double shotgun is less useful now than in the previous version. Maybe the damage is good at close range, but it is not that good at 4-5 spaces, and useless if your target is at the edge of your (normal) vision range or further (as it is usually when you first meet an enemy). And it eats ammo fast. I guess I could try with both CS and DS. Or return to the non-advanced pistol.

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The calculations use forumla given by Kornel himself so they should be correct. Note that DS suffers badly from armor.

On a unrelated note, reload times, accuracy, attack time and magazine info added.
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Props +1

Malek Deneith

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Small update to shotgun excel sheet - fixed double shotgun (was calculate only to range 7, not 8 doh) added calculations for Assault Shotgun and Pancor Jackhammer (assumed they use Combat Shotguns spread ratio) and two diagrams - one comparisoning damage over range only for normal shotguns, other including uniques (As can be seen Pancor Jackhammer pwns all... the only exception is triple damage modded double shotgun at ranges 4 or less xP)
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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