Jupiter Hell Alpha released!
vmsg.pas(30,8) Error: Identifier not found "class"vmsg.pas(30,8) Error: Error in type definitionvmsg.pas(30,8) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "identifier PUBLIC" foundvmsg.pas(0) Fatal: Compilation aborted
{$mode objfpc}program test;uses vsystems, // Systems unit voutput, // Output interface unit vtoutput, // Output TextMode implementation vinput, // Input interface unit vtinput; // Input TextMode implementationbegin Systems.Add(Output,TTextModeOutput.Init); // Register the Output system Systems.Add(Input,TTextModeInput.Init); // Register the Input system Output.CenterDrawString(40,12,Green,'@RH@Ge@Bl@Rl@Go@B World!'); // Draw hello world Output.Update; // Blit it to the screen Input.GetKey([VKEY_ENTER,VKEY_ESCAPE]); // Wait for ESC or Enterend. // Disposal of objects automatic
vstream.pas(148,18) Error: function header doesn't match the forward declaration "IOutputStream.Write(const LongInt, Pointer)"vstream.pas(328,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stoppingvstream.pas(0) Fatal: Compilation aborted