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Author Topic: New unique items  (Read 483701 times)


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #165 on: August 22, 2009, 05:50 »

Sure, as long as the cyberdemon stops existing in the end. :D

Edit: Less flashlight, more laser. Yes I am doing this for the hell of it.

So what if Cyberdaemon has a large mirror?
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #166 on: August 22, 2009, 10:41 »

What are the chances of the mirror reflecting the laser in /exactly/ the right direction to have the Doomguy fry himself? Granted, there's three lasers, but still! :V


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #167 on: August 22, 2009, 12:49 »

The Ball

Damage: 2d4
Shots: 1, leaves the inventory upon use or when dropped from inventory and an * flies (into a random direction if dropped from the inventory) around the map ricocheting of enemies and walls. When it hits or passes right by the enemy or Doomguy, then there's a 15% chance it can be caught and used again either by the enemy or Doomguy. Does not damage the user...

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Re: New unique items
« Reply #168 on: August 22, 2009, 16:43 »

Useless and too gimmicky. 15% chance of re-use is a no-no for a unique, anyway.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #169 on: August 30, 2009, 17:18 »

Unique shotgun ideas:

"The Hunter" - starts with stats of regular Double Shotgun but it gains stats/abilities as you kill monsters (i.e. killing BoH/HK could up the damage every X kills, killing Former Sergeants could reduce "range dropoff" every X kills, killing imps could increase speed, and so on...). Could be done 4 ways:
1)tie the increases to monsters killed that said game with this unique
2) as #1 but with any shotguns
3) as #1 but instead of this game tie this to player.wad and make it rise over several games (i.e. the more you find/play it the better it will be next game, also potentially alows for one of the abilities to be "increase spawn chance" :P)
4) as #3 but use staistics of all shotgun kills instead

"Old Faithful" - again D.Shotgun unqiue, low-level one this time. Have the stats marginally better than regular weapon, but add one ability: for every kill (or every X kills - adjust as needed for balance) you make with this unique the game would generate 1 shell next to you when you go to next level (up to a full stack) - I don't think I need to say how usefull this would be.
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #170 on: August 30, 2009, 17:28 »

Unique shotgun ideas:

"The Hunter" - starts with stats of regular Double Shotgun but it gains stats/abilities as you kill monsters (i.e. killing BoH/HK could up the damage every X kills, killing Former Sergeants could reduce "range dropoff" every X kills, killing imps could increase speed, and so on...). Could be done 4 ways:
1)tie the increases to monsters killed that said game with this unique
2) as #1 but with any shotguns
3) as #1 but instead of this game tie this to player.wad and make it rise over several games (i.e. the more you find/play it the better it will be next game, also potentially alows for one of the abilities to be "increase spawn chance" :P)
4) as #3 but use staistics of all shotgun kills instead

"Old Faithful" - again D.Shotgun unqiue, low-level one this time. Have the stats marginally better than regular weapon, but add one ability: for every kill (or every X kills - adjust as needed for balance) you make with this unique the game would generate 1 shell next to you when you go to next level (up to a full stack) - I don't think I need to say how usefull this would be.

Oohh, evolving Uniques. I really loved those on Tome. They would track their own xp and level up gaining hit/damage/abilities. If you invested serious time on them they would become fearsome weapons.
Might be a good idea for a whole new set of uniques (pistol, shotty, chaingun, rocket launcher, melee, armor, boots).


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #171 on: August 30, 2009, 19:11 »

I like the idea of evolving uniques, but the difference between, say, ToME and DoomRL is that grinding is impossible, meaning that finding an evolving unique later on in the game would probably render it far less useful. The easiest solution to this would be to have them as a reward on special levels or somesuch.


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #172 on: August 31, 2009, 08:38 »

"Old Faithful" - again D.Shotgun unqiue, low-level one this time. Have the stats marginally better than regular weapon, but add one ability: for every kill (or every X kills - adjust as needed for balance) you make with this unique the game would generate 1 shell next to you when you go to next level (up to a full stack) - I don't think I need to say how usefull this would be.

I love you man. I play shotgun-games quite often.

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Re: New unique items
« Reply #173 on: August 31, 2009, 15:33 »

I've got few ideas.. However I do not know much about how the damage range and stuff like that works but eh;

The Crowbar
Pick up; "Someone dropped this in the wrong place.."

Damage wise similiar to chainsaw, maybe slightly less but more accuracy to make up for it.
However, I had an idea that this weapon would allow you to break down doors and some walls to give meeleers some ability to break stuff.

Origin; Half life ofcourse

Pick up; "Ready and perfected"

Your generic little pistol unique. Normal shots do a rather avarage damage, however, this one has a nice little special reload..
This gun has 3 special reloads, each that go by stages. The first one turns the shot into an accurate ray gun like shot, it however takes a while to charge up. Once its been charged up you can charge it up again, which doubles the effect. Afterwards you can charge it up a 3rd time that makes the shot even more powerfull, bit like a massdriver.. It however takes a big load of time to do so.
Also each special reload requires big load of extra ammonation, possibly even power cells.
This would ofcourse, be extreemly rare weapon due of the railgun like nature.

Origin; Cave story.

The UnMaker.
Pick up; "What the !@#%* is this!"

A projectile/railgun like weapon, more effective then the plasmagun but it also has a variable damage. The thing with this weapon is that it hurts pure demons a lot, tech demons some, and demon humans very little. This thing would be useless against former humans but very powerfull against barons and archviles and like wise.
Uses cell as ammo.

Origin; Doom64

The Ambassador
Pick up; "There are two sorts of men in this world: the sort with blood pouring out of a hole in their heads, and the sort holding the Ambassador."

Well then, another pistol unique. This weapon here is a very accurate, yet has a rather slow rate of fire. Bit similiar to trigun but with even more accuracy and possibly slightly more damage.
This gun can also be special reloaded for an aimed shot that is way slower but deals way more damage if it hits.

Origin; Team Fortress 2
i dont even know anymore


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #174 on: August 31, 2009, 19:11 »

I dont know about everyone else... but ive always wanted the Thunderbolt from the original Quake... dont know what it would do though...


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #175 on: September 01, 2009, 00:31 »

Okay, you guys have some crazy ideas, time for mine.

The Naginata
Weapon that would seem to be archaic today. But still it is deadly. Mainly because you can attack enemies for greater distance. You are able to attack monsters that are two squares away from you (by one square I mean that the monster is right next to you). Damage the same as chainsaw, this should be made an unique weapon. If Kornel is interested, I can make a story and even a level behind it ;P
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #176 on: September 01, 2009, 14:44 »

Unique Damage Modpack
Increases the SMALLER of the two numbers in a weapon's damage dice, rather than the larger.

Oh, and wouldn't it be really sweet if we could apply one mod to unique weapons/armor/boots?  I don't think it'll be too unbalancing?

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Re: New unique items
« Reply #177 on: September 03, 2009, 00:16 »

Unique Damage Modpack
Increases the SMALLER of the two numbers in a weapon's damage dice, rather than the larger.

So that a modded chaingun would deal 2d6 instead of 1d7 after being modded... Hmm, a unique weapon mod, I like it... :)


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #178 on: September 03, 2009, 00:42 »

Oh, and wouldn't it be really sweet if we could apply one mod to unique weapons/armor/boots?  I don't think it'll be too unbalancing?

Just off the top of my head:
Assault shotgun with damage = You win in beta, now that shotguns do more damage.
Necroarmour with anything = You win.
Butcher's Cleaver with damage = Why bother picking up LS? (In beta, LS gives no armour.)
Nuclear Plasma Rifle with damage or accuracy = Plasma rifle that doesn't cost ammo.

The uniques would have to be toned down so that when you modded them, they became as good as they currently are.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #179 on: September 14, 2009, 07:14 »

Degrader Gun
Ammo: Power cells
Clip/shot/accuracy/reload/range: Subject to change

Enemies hit by Degrader Gun are instantly transformed into weaker beings:

Arch-viles, mancubi, revenants, arachnotrons and pain elementals become hell knights.
Barons, hell knights, cacodemons, demons and lost souls become imps.
Former commandos, captains and sergeants become former humans.
Imps, former humans, Cyberdemon, JC and AoD are immune to its effect.

Barrels hit by Degrader Gun are downgraded one step (napalm becomes acid, acid becomes fuel, fuel is unaffected).
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 07:19 by Passionario »
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