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Author Topic: New unique items  (Read 485005 times)


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #735 on: February 26, 2012, 14:32 »

I could see it being used on the regular and double shotguns like that.
I suppose it could potentially work with the break-action (standard/double/Super) shotguns, but it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Following from the real-life inspiration, making a clip-fed break-action would basically result in a clunky Combat Shotgun. Not my intention here.
Plus, it might be too good for a double shotty; as described, the assembly would add 2 to the clipsize, which would allow 2 back-to-back double shotty blasts. Yeah, I don't think that's balanced.

Also, how would you have it interplay with the Shottyman trait?
The obvious interplay, like on the Jackhammer or old Tac Shotty: you get a fully fresh clip upon moving. Does the Tac Shotty still get a full reload from Shottyman?
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #736 on: February 27, 2012, 01:43 »

I don't see a thread for proposed assemblies, nor have I seen anything like this proposed, so I submit:

Clip-Fed Shotgun
Mods Required: 2x Bulk (I guess? Dunno what should be appropriate)
Eligible Weapons: Combat/Assault Shotgun
Damage: Unchanged
Clip Size: +2 (Only counts one Bulk Mod's effects)
Accuracy: Unchanged
Spread: Unchanged
Firetime: Unchanged
Reload: 1.5s (Reloads entire magazine!)
Other Effects: None, Combat Shotgun base still requires pumping

Shottyheads would go absolutely bananas for something like this, and this is the sort of assembly that any Shottyman would really dig. I'm not entirely sure what modset would be balanced for such a powerful change. Bulks seem to fit the proper design mantra, but I don't want the clipsize to go through the roof when the whole thing is reloaded at once.

Just a consideration:
Reloading speeds are usually the most troublesome thing with shotguns, and therefore reloading full magazine at once would IMHO seem a bit overpowered for a basic assembly.
On the other hand, since WK and MAD are incompatible, making this advanced would mean that this shotgun is ruled out of MAD build  - and MAD would probably benefit the most from the reloading speed.
All in all a very nice idea.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #737 on: February 27, 2012, 10:28 »

I suppose it could potentially work with the break-action (standard/double/Super) shotguns, but it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Following from the real-life inspiration, making a clip-fed break-action would basically result in a clunky Combat Shotgun. Not my intention here.
Plus, it might be too good for a double shotty; as described, the assembly would add 2 to the clipsize, which would allow 2 back-to-back double shotty blasts. Yeah, I don't think that's balanced.

Unless you are fighting the Cyberdemon / Mastermind, knockback will drastically reduce the damage on the second shot.


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #738 on: March 05, 2012, 00:35 »

<Insert a title here>

Stats: same as Rocket Launcher stats.

Special: if it kills anything, the corpse goes BOOM with a standart rocket explosion(6d6 radius 4).If the resulting explosion kills something else, the killed corpse goes boom too, and so on, and so on, and so on... possibly resulting in huge chain reactions wiping out the whole level for good. The enemy must be killed for an explosion to occur - just hitting him won't count. Chain explosions can wipe out YOU too, so, bro, be careful there.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #739 on: March 05, 2012, 02:32 »

Corpse Explosion! Who remembers the glory days of CE Necros in D2?



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Re: New unique items
« Reply #740 on: March 05, 2012, 03:37 »

It's even greater than corpse explosion, there is one already (BFG does extra booms), while this is some infection that if kills, blows and spreads.  OW, I say. The only nitpick is that if there's nothing in your 4-tile radius, you won't get killed with this. I believe this is too OP.

And about DII and CE - there was a name for a CE necro - "I_CEdeadpeople" :)
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #741 on: March 06, 2012, 17:37 »

Barrel Launcher.
This weapon uses barrels which are scattered around the level as ammo. You reload by standing next to the barrel and hitting reload, and somehow, you are able to pick up the barrel with launcher, because you are the DooM Guy.
Then you fire it off at a demon and it explodes with extra damage on a direct hit (to make the weapon more useful).


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #742 on: March 09, 2012, 08:36 »

Okay, first of all I'd like to say "hello" to everyone here (as it is, in fact, my first post here). And I'd also like to say that I find DoomRL to be a great game, Kornel. A little bit too random at times, but that's the charm of being subjected to the whims of RNG.

Now with that beneath us, and with me having gotten through the entire thread (that was tiresome, but some of the ideas were pretty amusing), I'll write down my ideas of possible exotic/unique items. They'll probably be just as bad as almost all first-time attempts are, but maybe you'll find some of them interesting.

Tree Cutter (Exotic)
Damage: (1d5)x10 [range: 10-50, average: 30] bullet damage
Alternate fire: Chain fire
Clip size: 80
Accuracy: -1
Fire time: 1.2 second
Reload time: 4.0 seconds
Ammunition: 10mm
Description: A weapon that emphasizes quantity over quality. Burns through your ammo cache like a chainsaw through trees.
Pickup quote: It's time to deforest hell.
Other effects: When used with Ammochain, consumes 2 ammo per volley (possibly stacking to 4 if an assault rifle assembly is grafted onto it).
My reasoning for that one is pretty simple. Other than the minigun (1 item), there are no unique/exotic chainguns in the game, so people who want to create an Ammochain-based build have to switch to plasma rifles pretty quickly (which isn't exactly bad, but that means that, most of the time, there's only one weapon for them to choose from). The only concern is the demolition ammo assembly, since when applied to most weapons, it reduces their damage to 3d2, and that means the ridiculous amount of shots will make this weapon superior (but then again, the -1 accuracy bonus will be a curse working towards balancing it, and taking Ammochain [which is pretty much a must for any characters using this weapon] precludes taking Eagle Eye, which means this weapon wouldn't be a fix-it-all item).

BFG 3000 (Unique)
Damage: 7d10 [range: 7-70, average: 38.5] fire damage, radius 7
Alternate fire: Point-blank detonation for 5d7 [range: 5-35, average: 20] damage with radius 3, uses one rocket.
Clip size: 5
Accuracy: +5
Fire time: 1.4 second
Reload time: 3.5 seconds
Ammunition: Rockets
Description: An old-forgotten ancestor of BFG 9000. Don't blow your hands off.
Pickup quote: Ahh, the good old times...
Other effects: Uses 4 rockets per shot; can't be modded, goes into your hands as soon as you get it (just like BFG 9000).
Yes, this weapon would be on the level of BFG 9000. But then again, the BFG9k itself can be modded further, and this weapon can't (because I know one nano pack would make it utterly broken in terms of power); that alone makes it slightly worse in comparison, and it becomes even worse if you factor in the fact that, without Fireangel, its explosion radius (and the alternate fire) makes it very easy to accidentally kill oneself. The 4-rockets-per-shot thing is nothing one could ignore, but it's a decent weapon against anything if you have a lot of spare rockets and Fireangel.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 09:42 by Kazeto »


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #743 on: March 09, 2012, 13:42 »

Because Firestorm packs aren't useful for Shotguns:

Storm Shotgun (Better names welcomed)
Mods Required: BBF
Eligible Weapon: Combat Shotgun
Damage: (7d3)x2 shrapnel, Focused shotgun blast
Alternate Fire: Single shot
Clip Size: 6 shells
Firetime: 1.0s
Reload: 0.2s pump, 1.0s reload (Single shell)
Alternate Reload: Full reload
Ammunition: Shotgun Shell

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Re: New unique items
« Reply #744 on: March 20, 2012, 02:51 »

people who want to create an Ammochain-based build have to switch to plasma rifles pretty quickly

Ammochain is pretty much an excuse to use nothing but plasma rifles.

I'm all for seeing more exotics, but at the same time I'm wary of adding even more potentially useless drops to a pool that's already stretched pretty thin. Chaingun does get minigun, gatling gun (assembly) and an all-rapids assembly or two.

I'd still like to see my Ultimate Bullet Hose in game. 1d6x6 and multiplies all shot-increasing effects by three...
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #745 on: March 25, 2012, 06:34 »

Bone Armour
Armour: 4/4
Durability: 50% maximum
Cannot be modded. Provides no resistances. No movespeed/knockback modifiers.

Armour rating drops to 2/4 at 25% durability, then 0/4 at 0%.
Undestroyable (hurr redundancy).
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #746 on: March 25, 2012, 07:27 »

Bone Armour
Armour: 4/4
Durability: 50% maximum
Cannot be modded. Provides no resistances. No movespeed/knockback modifiers.

Armour rating drops to 2/4 at 25% durability, then 0/4 at 0%.
Undestroyable (hurr redundancy).

I don't get it... What does it do? Why would I wear this over red armor?


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Re: New unique items
« Reply #747 on: March 25, 2012, 09:03 »

Probably should be an exotic, the idea is that it's an undestroyable armour that provides considerable armour rating with no drawbacks other than it has to be repaired often. Doesn't really suit DoomRL, but hey.
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Re: New unique items
« Reply #748 on: March 27, 2012, 16:00 »

I know what weapon would be great, though I have no idea how to implement half of its features:

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Re: New unique items
« Reply #749 on: March 27, 2012, 20:06 »

Probably should be an exotic, the idea is that it's an undestroyable armour that provides considerable armour rating with no drawbacks other than it has to be repaired often. Doesn't really suit DoomRL, but hey.
You're thinking of Onyx Armor - takes no damage, indestructable, 2 def, exotic. I could potentially see a unique like that but either with more defense or some resistances added...
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