Hey, anyone interested in making a DoomRL trailer? I'm not good in editing video and so on, but we could make some footage.. it has to be done with sound, so only recording game via virtualdub or so on are accepted. My ideas so far (I just thought about that) - some intro like UAC general talking to our soldier blabla, then we find ourselves in HELL - to make it interesting, video editing would come in... like zooming on our hero, changing his colour when he gets mad (gradually), the point is that whole map should not be seen (it doesnt look so cool), then he sees some zombies (could be ascii art included - fast show, like in Evangelion if you know what I mean), and POW he fires RL - I don't know if it's possible but rocket movement should be tracker (so it would be in the center always) + some shaking effects (rage) + metal music, some pwnage from AoB + berserk should be included too (chainsaw sound..). so... anyone interested? But I have worries.. maybe it should be done when doom is released? :D (to include preview of new features).. anyway we should piss of our hero somehow..maybe he's listening bunny music on his mp3, then zombie fires at him and his mp3 is destroyed, then he's really pissed :D. To make it easier some 'special' version of doomrl would be helpful, but I doubt it could be possible (like immortal marine + weapons to get to lower levels to show baron pwnage).. anyway, that's the idea and I know it's possible to make this simply awesome.