EDIT: After posting this, I'm noticing guns reloading after second shot kill. Will continue keeping an eye on gunkata behaviour.
Having a blast playing the new version, here are some things I've come across:
When dualwielding with gunkata trait, my pistols get reloaded only when the first shot of the two makes the kill, not if the killing shot is the second one. Is this intended? It's a bit annoying, especially against pain elementals/lost souls, with bad luck my pistols get empty despite lost souls dying left and right. Then I reload just one pistol, kill a soul with that and then both guns get reloaded.
This other thing I mentioned in a mortem but it's probably good to have it here in bug reports too: it looks like "win the game" badges aren't awarded if you nuke the cyberdeamon, but lose against JC. This happened in my recent AoPc game: I nuked Cybie while invincible, didn't have another nuke so I let JC kill me, and I didn't get the pacifism badge. Dying while nuking cybie counts as a victory badge-wise, so I'm thinking this ought to count as well. Also in the mortem said I nuked cybie on lvl 26, not 25.
Playing windows version.