It's easy to say 'instead of having 20 slots, with 10 of them being ammo, let's just have 10 slots and 'free' ammo (up to a max of xxx/xxx/xx/xxx).....
This idea absolutely misses the point behind ammo taking inventory space - it allows a player to be dynamic to a given challenge/difficulty situation - Do I take more ammo this game, risking fewer phase devices and medikits because my build is a long-ranged specialist, or do fill up on health and armour, risking taking along less ammo because I'll not need as much, and have a better chance of picking it up when I get so close?
The *choice* is an integral part of DoomRL strategy, and taking options away from the player just to... err... Well, I don't really know *why* people are even suggesting this... Hang on...
How is the current system somehow 'bogging the game down' - it doesn't take anything away from the fast paced action, does it? Is someone seriously going to put an argument together for splitting the inventory/encumberance system in 2 being somehow 'simpler', 'faster' or 'more beleivable' ?