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Author Topic: Game Rule Sheets  (Read 3001 times)


  • Lance Corporal
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Game Rule Sheets
« on: June 05, 2006, 01:44 »

I just had this ingenious idea, listen carefully:

I play pen&paper, AD&D, all'a time. And I just recently got introduced to DoomRL - or rather, stumbled across it on

What I'm asking is this: Can we get rule books as it stands? I mean, you know, how all the numbers work together, what the different ASCII characters represent, and the like. Statistics, how they mesh, you know, the works. So I could take it to my favorite forum, post it out and have a multiplayer game of DoomRL, where the players simply post their command intents, an dthe DMs do the math on the board, making a nice long list of what happened.

#.................#..@.|..#........................................... #
#..........................................h.h...........@............ .#

You catch my drift?


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Game Rule Sheets
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 08:09 »

Definatly sounds possible, But roguelikes require tons of turns at a time to accomplish most things..

As for rulebooks? I dont think you can go down to you local pop culture shop and ask for a DRL rulebook, But if you play DRL for a bit you will learn what the individual things mean..

I like the idea though!


  • Lance Corporal
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Game Rule Sheets
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2006, 12:11 »

I could get the DM-nominees together, have them all play three hours of DRL minimum a week, and then put our heads together to come up with the math. Here's really what I'm asking, though: Why do the monsters do what they do? What's the math behind it? Character stats, what's the math behind that? The game itself really doesn't give you most of that until after you die; some of it continues to remain invisible even then. What are those same stats on the monsters?
<br />
<br />Then weapons, how much damage does acid do, how much does lava do? Trajectories and dodging; I know if I take a step just before the imp fires, he'll miss me and massacre the former human captain behind me. What's the math on that? However, I also know a cacodemon will try to outsmart me, and fire ahead of me in the direction I'm going.
<br />
<br />That's what I'm looking for. Just a run-down of the Why Johnny Plays Like Johnny Plays. As for rounds, here's how I would do it:
<br />
<br />First, we have a DM's map, which has everything cleared so we know what's what, and inaccessible to players(Which I can do with Gaiaonline), then we have the play map in the initial post of the play thread. To start, I make a reply that says, "Round 1", or maybe "Round 1 Phobos 1" or something. Then, everyone quotes that, states their simple action, fire, move, reload, get, whatever, and any speech they might make. When everybody's used up all their move(yes, move. Moves would be for someone who used Hellrunner and got an extra turn), DM does the math on the DM map, and pastes the visible changes ont othe player map, states whatever needs stated, and gives the new round.
I also just noticed I used an asterisk instead of a plus for the door in my little room. I guess that makes it shotgun fire instead of a door.
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