Just in case you didn't know, modding is now open--in a limited form. Already work is underway, creating new and exciting levels, and a tutorial is planned as well. And an argument sort've broke out on this point which hopefully you, the community, can resolve :)
In Lua (the language mods are written in), almost every object is a table. And Lua is fairly flexible with how you assign tables. For instance, if I were to create an item, the following approaches are all valid:
-- C-style
local new_cell
new_cell = {}
new_cell.name = "object"
new_cell.ascii = ":"
-- Table style
local new_cell
new_cell = {}
new_cell["name"] = "object"
new_cell["ascii"] = ":"
-- Lua style
name = "object",
ascii = ":"
Which one do you, the community prefer? It's the form that the wiki pages will use, so choose wisely!