Linux users rejoice!
Due to not having the patience to convince Kornel and Co. that mortem file names should be more descriptive (see:,2898.html), i used my expertise (an overstatement) to craft a shell script to do just that: make the mortem file names more descriptive.
All interested parties may download and (ab)use it as they please.
Newbie note: make the file executable, then run it in the terminal. Oh, and read the notes.
# This script renames raw DoomRL mortem files according to the following
# (by far more useful) naming scheme:
# Year-Month-Day Hour-Minute-Second Difficulty-GameType-Result PlayerName.txt
# Example: '2009-12-04 19-44-07 N-AoMr-St Simon.txt'
# The script will first match the files by name, then inspect their contents
# to verify and fill the missing information.
# The script is slow and unoptimized, but otherwise works.
# To use, either run this script from your mortem directory, or run it
# with the path to your mortem directory as the first argument
The script has been updated for DoomRL, which includes a different date format by default.
Additional notes:
In an attempt to avoid ambiguity as much as possible, which is necessary for my other script,
doomrl-stats (a script that counts your games/wins for different play modes), i have taken the liberty to mark Angel of Haste as AoHa and Angel of Purity as AoPu. You may either accept it or change it to whatever you believe is appropriate.
Download: criticism and ruthless bashing (pun intended) are welcome. ;)