We are perfectly aware, Frankosity, that the secret is spilled, precisely on Something Awful forums in
this thread (posted for anyone looking to spoil himself), and AFAIR somewhere on the Bay12 forums.
However, it is our right as a community to make fun about it here, on our forum. I wasn't the person who started the "no DS spoilers policy", however I really liked the attitude to it that spontaneously appeared here on CF, and I'm willing to defend it.
What is **not** welcome here however, are posts in the form of:
...Hahaha, okay, have it your way. Sorry for trying to break the circlejerk, guys.
In case you're just being dense rather than sarcastic, it's the circlejerk that deleted my post detailing, in spoiler tags, the method by which the Dragonslayer can be picked up. Because god forbid people not have to jump through dumb hoops to be part of the Exclusive Secret Anime Sword Club.
Every community has it's own rules, and the right to uphold it. If you want to be a part of a given community, you try to uphold it's rules, and by no means go offending people for whatever rules they chose to follow. Please refrain from such offensive language in the future.