9/8 is acceptable. It happens when enemies are generated outside of level generation, and I couldn't catch that if I wanted to. UJC is a special case; I just don't count him because it's funnier that way.
Personally I like the haste rune the best. Regeneration is also very nice, but less useful once the enemies start being able to one shot you. Rage is pure offensive; I suck too much to not have any defense. I'm proudest of prosperity, the lowest rune; it was a bitch to code.
Okay, today's takeaway: rate of health and enemies is apparently okay, SSGs are still kinda stupid since there are fewer corners to be surprised by (fixing that will require b2's AI), spectres could use a buff (are you ever surprised by them Nameless? It'd be nice if I could disable auto-targeting them)
BTW, former specialists only have 3+1 rockets. After that they're harmless, and you can keep them alive and organize the level.
There are two things I'm thinking about now: the computer map, which I'm thinking should maybe be an automatic award after round 5, and item generation in general. I haven't sat down to decipher how the difficulty affects item gen, or if it does at all, and as is I'm not sure the fancy weapons will spawn consistently before lvl 25. Ideally I'd like for a railgun to be almost guaranteed--they're too damn useful against viles--and for at least one of the BFGs to spawn before JC. But I don't want to cheat the system for that. I'd also like to hack my way around traits messing with stats while under rune effects; it tends to always be to the player's benefit, but it's very noticeable with a time freeze since a range value exception occurs and all of a sudden your movements take no time :)