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Author Topic: A complete new thing - Eridani PBF  (Read 3904 times)


  • AliensRL Beta Tester
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A complete new thing - Eridani PBF
« on: May 10, 2010, 05:52 »

So, I'm going to start a PBF in the whole new and unknown to everyone (except me) world. This world is mostly the future fantasy world with spaceships space battles. But it differs from most of this type world.

General information on world:
Tne main (as for me) race in it are Eridanis. They look much like humans except of their almost pale skin color and that they're taller than humans. But physiology of eridanis is completely different. They have telekinetic abilities and that is the basis of their build. They don't have any muscles so telekinetic power fully compensate the loss. And they can use it outside of body, but this is very exhausting to them, so they don't use it too much. Also they use the energy of the light to maintain their powers so without it after 10 or so minutes they fall unconscious and lie until light appears. Eridani's live for approximately 500 years, after it their telekinetic powers fade and they die. They're extremely fair, and almost never tell lies.

They discovered humans some time after they ventured into space. The humans were not close to the ones we are. In the past the ecology catastrophe wiped out most of the humanity, and only the most prepared survived. The remains are the most educated biologists, who managed to protect themselves and recreate the Earth and continue their studies. Although they didn't invent the good space travel, they've managed to extend their properties to be quite strong and have almost the same longlivity, as the Eridanis. The Eridani space technologies seriously overlapped the human, as well as human biology studies were much bigger than the eridani ones, so they established a long-time alliance.

After that another race joined the alliance. That was the nation of intelligent plants, who travel using special waves, unknown before. Their name can't be spelled neither in human, nor in eridani language. They decline most of their physiology studying, so they're the most mysterious race of the alliance, but besides, they're quite powerful. They travel in metallic spheres with the size approximately equal to human's size. Their technology was able to confront the eridani, but instead the technologies united making deadly creation. After their joint the power of the Alliance increased so that they could discover more of the universe.

Soon enough they discovered that their galaxy is limited and has borders. If something passes it, it mysteriously appears on the other side of galaxy. The borders were spherical. The part of the space they limit was called dimension. After the discovery the way to travel through the border was found. In this way the second dimension was found. The dominating race there was aggressive and declared war on the alliance. However, that war was won without special efforts and the natives were conquered. After the rest after the war, the third dimension was discovered.

There, the PBF should take part. The nation there is much stronger than in the second dimension, and the forces are almost equal. In one of the battles the ship was taken down. The survived crew of this ship are main heroes of the PBF.

According to PM's Silhar and thelaptop and possibly Armallion are playing. But there are still 2~3 places vacant. The PBF thould be using Cortex system.
If you want more information on the Eridanis, you can PM me. I know far more than posted there.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 06:00 by ZZ »
Put a chainsaw in my coffin. If I go to Hell, I'll need to do some cleaning there.


  • AliensRL Beta Tester
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Re: A complete new thing - Eridani PBF
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 04:25 »

Detailed Technology Information
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Alliance infantry weaponry
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Alliance war machinery
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« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 04:47 by ZZ »
Put a chainsaw in my coffin. If I go to Hell, I'll need to do some cleaning there.
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