-- AliensRL 0.8 Post Mortem ------------------------------------------
Name : Melon
Class : Scout
Rank : Badass
Result : killed the queen and escaped
Score : 20362
Total experience : 18725
Experience left : 1525
Game length : 124832 turns
Security keycards : 26
Military keys : 0
Armor : Power armor [4]
Sidearm : M4A3 pistol (12/12)
Primary : M41A pulse rifle (99/99)
Medpacks: 2
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
################### #################
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : master
Light weapons : expert
Heavy weapons : untrained
Technical : untrained
Medicine : untrained
Fitness : expert
Perception : basic
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 376/400
.44 ammo : 48/150
M309 ammo : 80/500
M250 ammo : 500/500
60mm gren. : 40/40
12g. shells : 200/200
frag grenade : 3/3
inc grenade : 6/3
krak grenade : 0/3
-- Kills (1566) ------------------------------------------------------
402 juveniles
207 warriors
58 elites
36 praetorians
210 scavengers
393 hunters
26 stalkers
167 drones
60 workers
6 overseers
1 queen
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
Choose direction to run...
Choose direction to run...
Choose direction to run...
Choose direction to run...
You lightly hit the stalker! You
barely hit the stalker! You barely
hit the stalker! You lightly hit the
stalker! The stalker dies.
You reload your weapon.
You enter the corridor. Entering
In my opinion the game is quite easy, as soon you get accustomed to the scenario: get to the storage tower, get ammo, get to the medical tower, get med packs, get to the civilian/main tower to get the keys, get to military, security, engineering tower to explore and find good gear.
I had some good time with this game though. Nice job Kornel!