I've redownloaded all source from svn and its the same.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(290,19) Hint: Type "TByteArray" redefinition
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(975,17) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the multiply could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vini.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vini.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(150,29) Hint: Parameter "x" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(150,31) Hint: Parameter "y" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(160,27) Hint: Parameter "Long" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(160,32) Hint: Parameter "Short" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vui.pas(624,109) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the subtract could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(340,11) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(345,11) Warning: Symbol "CreateDir" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(357,36) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(358,36) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(392,9) Warning: Symbol "DirXValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(397,9) Warning: Symbol "DirYValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(402,11) Warning: Symbol "ReverseDir" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(407,18) Warning: Symbol "ReverseDir" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(412,9) Warning: Symbol "DirPicture" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(563,20) Warning: Symbol "DirXValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(563,36) Warning: Symbol "DirYValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(563,8) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(625,8) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtextui.pas(144,22) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(60,63) Hint: Parameter "Color" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(62,58) Hint: Parameter "Color" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(68,57) Hint: Parameter "Color" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(72,31) Hint: Parameter "stype" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(90,32) Hint: Parameter "Short" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\lua\lua.pas(310,1) Hint: C arrays are passed by reference
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vdf.pas(141,22) Hint: Local variable "Header" does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vdf.pas(148,30) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(133,13) Hint: Local variable "Buf" does not seem to be initialized
rlitem.pas(57,20) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TItem.Create(const ShortString, Word="0");"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vdungen.pas(63,4) Warning: Illegal compiler switch "$"
rlinput.pas(13,19) Hint: Unit "vini" not used in rlinput
rlinput.pas(13,27) Hint: Unit "vinput" not used in rlinput
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsound.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(38,52) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(46,52) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(48,29) Hint: Parameter "aData" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(48,52) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(50,31) Hint: Parameter "aData" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(50,54) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
rlui.pas(13,18) Hint: Type "TMap" redefinition
rlui.pas(15,18) Hint: Type "TMessages" redefinition
rlui.pas(36,14) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "destructor TPlotWindow.Destroy;"
rlui.pas(67,13) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "TShopWindow.Add(ShortString, Byte="7");"
rlui.pas(196,13) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "TTalkWindow.Add(const ShortString, Boolean="TRUE");"
rlshop.pas(12,16) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TShop.Create(Byte, TShopRefillProc);"
rlshop.pas(14,15) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "destructor TShop.Destroy;"
diablout.pas(10,14) Hint: Unit "vrltools" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(10,38) Hint: Unit "rlnpc" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(10,55) Hint: Unit "rllevel" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(10,72) Hint: Unit "rlshopinv" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,27) Hint: Unit "vds" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,34) Hint: Unit "vmath" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,43) Hint: Unit "voutput" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,51) Hint: Unit "vinput" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,69) Hint: Unit "rlplayer" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,76) Hint: Unit "rllua" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,82) Hint: Unit "vlua" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,87) Hint: Unit "lua" not used in diablout
rlgame.pas(37,59) Hint: Unit "vini" not used in rlgame
rlgame.pas(37,69) Hint: Unit "vrltools" not used in rlgame
rlgame.pas(38,22) Hint: Unit "diablout" not used in rlgame
rlui.pas(309,11) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(314,20) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(314,20) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(326,40) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(648,18) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
rlui.pas(138,23) Hint: Parameter "x" not used
rlui.pas(138,25) Hint: Parameter "y" not used
rlui.pas(653,18) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
rlui.pas(139,22) Hint: Parameter "x" not used
rlui.pas(139,24) Hint: Parameter "y" not used
rlui.pas(139,37) Hint: Parameter "layer" not used
rlui.pas(1043,37) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(1043,37) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the subtract could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(1522,5) Note: Local variable "tmp" not used
rlui.pas(1703,5) Note: Local variable "Effect" is assigned but never used
rlui.pas(1704,5) Note: Local variable "SType" is assigned but never used
rlui.pas(1781,61) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(1937,82) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(1939,82) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(183,5) Note: Private field "TGameUI.tempstr" is never used
rlui.pas(210,46) Hint: Unit "vtinput" not used in rlui
rlgen.pas(10,11) Hint: Unit "vnode" not used in rlgen
rlgen.pas(60,21) Hint: Unit "vmath" not used in rlgen
rllua.pas(51,14) Error: identifier idents no member "ModuleNames"
rllua.pas(66,11) Error: identifier idents no member "ModuleNames"
rllua.pas(124,19) Error: Identifier not found "RegisterDataFile"
rllua.pas(125,37) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "LoadStream"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(119,16) Hint: Found declaration: TLua.LoadStream(TVDataFile,const AnsiString);
rllua.pas(126,36) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "LoadStream"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(119,16) Hint: Found declaration: TLua.LoadStream(TVDataFile,const AnsiString);
rllua.pas(127,36) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "LoadStream"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(119,16) Hint: Found declaration: TLua.LoadStream(TVDataFile,const AnsiString);
rllua.pas(146,24) Error: identifier idents no member "Last"
rllua.pas(146,29) Error: Illegal expression
rllua.pas(146,40) Fatal: Syntax error, ")" expected but ";" found