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Author Topic: [N!|68%|AoMC|YAVP] Longinus Diamond  (Read 1919 times)

Fanta Hege

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[N!|68%|AoMC|YAVP] Longinus Diamond
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:59 »

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Fanta, level 14 Arch-Vile General, defeated the Cyberdemon
 on level 25 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 65622 turns and scored 569868 points.
 He played for 56 minutes and 54 seconds.
 He opposed the Nightmare!

 He killed 787 out of 1154 hellspawn. (68%)
 He was an Angel of Max Carnage!

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  UAC Star (bronze cluster)
  Longinus Diamond Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 77/80   Experience 84382/14
  ToHit Ranged +12  ToHit Melee +12  ToDmg Ranged +3  ToDmg Melee +3

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Ironman          (Level 3)
    Finesse          (Level 2)
    Hellrunner       (Level 2)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 3)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Whizkid          (Level 1)
    Triggerhappy     (Level 1)
    Ammochain        (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   modified plasma rifle (1d8)x6 [40/40] (P1T1)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   modified protective boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   Longinus Spear (8d8)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] modified combat shotgun (7d3) [4/5] (T1)
    [b] modified rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1] (B1)
    [c] blue armor [1/2] (47%)
    [d] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [e] modified red armor [2/4] (47%) (A)
    [f] red armor [2/4] (41%)
    [g] modified red armor [2/4] (33%) (B)
    [h] modified red armor [2/4] (44%) (B)
    [i] shotgun shell (x22)
    [j] rocket (x2)
    [k] rocket (x10)
    [l] rocket (x10)
    [m] power cell (x20)
    [n] large med-pack
    [o] phase device
    [p] envirosuit pack
    [q] thermonuclear bomb
    [r] thermonuclear bomb

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    91 former humans
    69 former sergeants
    45 former captains
    102 imps
    93 demons
    130 lost souls
    55 cacodemons
    68 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    24 hell knights
    43 arachnotrons
    9 former commandos
    1 Angel of Death
    12 pain elementals
    12 arch-viles
    1 mancubus
    12 revenants
    4 nightmare imps
    4 nightmare cacodemons
    9 nightmare demons
    2 bruiser brothers

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 10 he found Hell's Armory.
  On level 11 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
  On level 12 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
  On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
  On level 16 he found the Longinus Spear!
  He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
  On level 18 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
  He fled the Lair, knowing how to fear Arachnotrons!
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Fire -- Choose target...   The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
 hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
 hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
 Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon.
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 Fire -- Choose target...   The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
 hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
 hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
 Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon.
 Fire -- Choose target...   The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
 hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
 hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the
 Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon.
 Fire -- Choose target...   The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile
 hits the Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon dies. Congratulations! You

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 1378 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 1260 of those were killed.
 6 of those were killed by something unknown.
 21 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 66 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 25 souls claim to have killed him...
 3 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 21 killed the bastard and survived.
 1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


Well then.. Decided to hunt this diamond down considering its pretty easy enough to do and I've kinda been slacking off with my DoomRL rank hunting anyway. So here's my lucky 7th diamond badge.
Decided to take the easy route, aka max carnage. Well easy and easy, RNG was really bitchy this time around. Level 3 was a cacodemon cavern for exsample and a lot of spider caverns. D:
On a good note I however found a plasmagun very early so barons didn't become that big of a nuinsance. Juggler was pretty vital in this round. Without it I'd sure have died a lot.

Hellgate was pretty.. meh on Max Carnage, though the enemies took a lot of beating they still went down easy due of the plasmagun, taking distance and just firing forward took down the bruisers.

The UC itself was pretty straight forward. Due of MC rules all the demons and lost souls went down in one hit, and lava bath for the Angel.

Spiders lair was pretty much just go in and bye very fastly, I took some damage but I couldn't really use the normal exit on that level, it was in a very, very bad location with nearly a certain death for going there. I'll give you a hint; Cavern.

I was actually considering just suiciding but then I found some nukes and thought "why not?" I was actually hoping for a full win but I guess thats for another time.
i dont even know anymore
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