Sorry, this should've been in Off-Topic.
I saw Resident Evil Afterlife last night, that terrible piece of garbage, and began thinking to myself, "How do they screw up simple video game plots?" Of course, this led me to the greatest, in my opinion, video game movie screw ups EVER.
The Doom Movie.
Oh, it had promise! The Rock was slated as one of the lead characters, if not THE lead character! The other actors were.... Not really that important! Hooray, there's gonna be an FPS-like segment!
But then it all turned horribly, horribly wrong. Somewhere along the lines, the writers decided that the perfectly acceptable plot of "OH CRAP DEMONS HAVE INVADED MARS" and turned it into, get this, something WORSE than the original plot. They took the Rock, and instead of making him into the protagonist badass marine, they turned him into the antagonist badass marine, where he would've fit PERFECTLY into the role of good ol' Doomguy.
If they attempted to stay at least faithful to the original game with its storyline, its references, and the fact that it should've just been gun, explosion, and gore porn, it would've been at the very least a cult classic, if not a nice call-back to the days of Predator, Alien, and the rest of them.
But they tried to make it into something that it is not.
They tried to make it into a serious story. They tried to treat it like a serious topic, and they tried to insert serious drama. Except that simply doesn't work with Doom. Doom is about over the top violence, guns, and explosions, not drama and storyline. I personally think we need someone like Alex Rodriguez or Quentin Tarrantino to give it that over-the-top ludicrous destruction factor if they were to try and redo it.